• she hids under the covers
    trying to recover
    before he comes into her room to find her
    so she can see
    what she has supposedly done wrong.

    when her mother leaves he goes in.
    she tries to fight him off but he always wins.
    she screams& cries out in pain,
    espcially that first night
    when she put up a really big fight.
    he hit & tied her up.
    so she couldnt fight him any more,
    so he could finish before he got bored.
    he wasn't gentel or kind.
    he was harsh & rough.
    this was when she was 12.
    he just kept slamming & plunging into her body.
    even when she was begging him to stop because it hurt too much.
    he just said to hush.
    the it'll be over shortly & i'll see
    that everything will be ok.
    after he finished.
    after he cummed.
    she sat in a cornor crying in agonizing pain 7 shame.

    the next day she tries telling her mother,
    but she just slapped her & called her a liae.
    she just stood there asking herself.
    how can she not believe me?
    how can she not see
    the evidence he left behind on me?

    since that day she hasn't tried to tell her mother what her boy friend does to her.
    she knows that she doesn't see
    because she doesn't want to believe
    that her lover
    is crule & vile to her daughter.

    it has now been 3 years & she has just turned 15.
    her mom spent most the day with her but she had to the night.
    when her boy friend came in she didnt put up a fight,
    because she is getting used to these regular visits at night.
    he told her happy birthday
    & then he started to take off their clothes.
    she didnt say anything
    because she learned a long time ago that it only makes thing worse.
    when he finished he decided to tell her
    that him & her mother are getting married next sunday.
    she sat there shocked... thinking.
    how can she marry the man that abuses her daughter everyday?

    the Saturday before the wedding
    she wrote a note.
    it saysa:
    " i tried to tell you,
    i tried to make you see
    what Jim has been doing to me.
    it has been going on for years
    but i guess im not the one you hold dear.
    I've tried telling you in words.
    I've tried telling you in poems.
    I've tried telling you in songs.
    I've even tried telling you through my sad eyes.
    But you didn't see or you just didn't care
    & thats not fair.
    You've made your choice
    & I've made mine.
    I hope that you are happy
    with the man that abused me."

    she put the letter on her mom's dresser
    where she'll find it two minutes after she goes through the front door.
    she went to the bathroom & found a razor.
    she cut her wrists & sinked to the floor
    waiting for death to take her.
    so she can be FREE
    of HER & the MAN that ABUSED HER!!!!

    when her mother found the letter
    her heart gave a huge shutter.
    she went running through the house to find her daughter.
    when she found her laying on the bathroom floor,
    her throat felt so sore.
    she wanted to scream & cry
    she even wanted to die.
    but when she felt for a pulse it was there.
    the girl's mother called for help because she feared
    that her daughter might slip away forever if she wasn't near.

    now her mother knows the truth
    & tries to sooth
    her daughter