• I write the words of my thoughts down on paper
    For if you were to hear them out loud
    Surely something would be wrong.

    Criticism is something I can take
    But not so much to the point
    That I will never break.

    That’s why I write my thoughts on paper
    Instead of speaking them to you.

    I write the words of my thoughts down on paper
    Simply to keep them from you.
    Secrets are what keep me here
    Deep and everlasting never to escape my lips.

    You look at me as if I have something to hide
    How right you truly are.
    But never will you know my thoughts
    For they are mine to stay.

    That’s why I write my thoughts on paper
    Instead of speaking them to you.

    I write the words of my thoughts down on paper
    Because it’s all that I can do.
    So many thoughts, they are all so cluttered
    Spinning round and round.

    Sporadically is how they are written
    Random thoughts with random meanings.
    Only I can understand them
    And only I can relate.

    That’s why I write my thoughts on paper
    Instead of speaking them to you.

    I write the words of my thoughts down on paper
    To get out all my feelings.
    Hatred, anger, love and fate
    Are all the themes on which they spawn.

    Hatred that I always feel for me
    Anger towards the world around me.
    Love of all things living within me
    And fate of all things dying within me.

    Never shall you understand
    The way I truly feel.

    That’s why I write my thoughts on paper
    Instead of speaking them to you.