• The depression is so deep
    Somewhere sunshine doesn’t seep
    I can feel it there
    Like its wondering if I dare
    Dare to dwell
    To fall in this well
    This well of despair
    Do u dare
    To see how far I can fall
    Then why do you stall
    Hold me close
    Let me feel your pulse
    To make sure its real
    Something I don’t have to peel
    To get to the inner truth
    Fighting with nail and tooth
    To keep it buried
    The weight I have carried
    For so vary long
    I’ve been so strong
    But if you took a closer look
    You could see that my glamour has shook
    It has faltered and cracked
    And the real emotions are staring back
    With a frown and a tear
    With eyes filled with past fear
    How can you be so near
    Without being here
    Deep down inside
    Where the darkness hides
    There is no sunshine
    And I still act like everything’s fine