• darkness comes in the night and light comes in the day why is that??? is it normal for us or do we make it normal...do we force something what could be a lie into truth or do we make truth to be a lie...do we make believe that life is real or that is a fake dream that we have to live thou..do we dream for thing and forget what happen in that dreams or are we seeing the real world at it is thou or spirit maybe the things that we know arent finished maybe thou the eyes we see thou in are dreams are real and this life that were living is just a dream you tell me what you thing because maybe what i think is real to me may be fake to you and maybe what you think can be truth me ill tell you that truth is once you tell me what truth you think......
    writing my truth its self....im a truth and all that remains of it my mask covers the truth between this words and youll see ones you now me truth is out there all you got to do is open your mask......