• I know what happened brought me to reality
    But my forgiving state of mind couldn't be happening
    Big mouth strikes again
    I know your words are sweet, but so are his
    Big mouth comes back and decides to forgive
    I know your a cute face, but hopefully that's all you'll ever go down as in my mind
    It's harder to put the finger on the problem, when your caught between a thinner line
    Big mouth strikes again
    Darling, I wasn't confused, I wasn't loyal, I must have been used?
    But baby, I hope we stay together til the depths of the earth are covered in ash
    And as I close my eyes this time, I deny myself the opportunity to make it last
    Big mouth strikes again
    It could be the mixture of disbelief, or it could be the way I proceeded to the chase
    But no matter what, I am almost certain I won't dare see his face
    I'm a curious girl, and curiosity always harms the weakest
    Big mouth strikes again
    As I suffer from being the opposite of applying meanness
    He has no right to take your place
    He has no right in hell to shred this love
    He has no right to take OUR grace
    But why am I allowing him to interfere?
    When I should be feeling nothing but hate
    Why am I allowing myself to get shook up with emotions?
    When all along I wanted you
    Not to hold as a trophy or token
    But to share OUR special moments
    Our breath taking words
    And here I am terrified he'll be the one to own them
    And here I find myself unsure of that consequence
    Big mouth strikes again
    yeah, big mouth strikes once again!
    How could this go on, how could this be actually happening?
    How could I allow this, how could I get the strength in me to deny him?
    You'd think I'd be angry, no furious
    Big mouth strikes again
    As I am one wire away from delirious.
    Big mouth lied again
    But I love you, then why am I torn?
    Why do I feel helpless because I made the choice to pick up the phone
    Is it the stress, canceling out love?
    Or am I just an unsure, naive girl
    You happen to have fallen head over heels fo