• I have this ultimate sincerity that I can’t get rid of.
    When I’m cold, it warms me
    When I’m overheated, it cools me.
    It cares for me past my hurt, pain and regrets.
    It helps me face my dark past and my unwanted future instead of running from it.
    This feeling is because of him.
    The only one that is always there.
    Not my dad.
    Not my mom.
    Not my brothers.
    Not my cousins.
    Not my family.
    Not my boyfriend.
    Not my crush.
    I’m not old enough to get married.
    Who consoles me and understands me?
    The only one who knows what I’m talking about?
    My friend.
    My very best friend.
    He gives me the feeling of care, sincerity and belong.
    He is………an ultimate friend.