• From one point to the other, from A to B, here and there.

    It carries everything and anyone who needs to go from here to someplace else.

    With each new cargo, it's shape changes constantly, a different pattern, a picture. None stop as it always moves from point to point like an endless dream in motion.

    With every revolution, with every twirl around the facility. Neither comfort or revolt or the latter is felt upon it's sight, but only tranquility and hope resonates within all who looks.

    Gliding across the sky like a javelin, flying endlessly without a care.

    The Kaleidoscope stands as the facility's treasured bloodline and important overseer and peacekeeper. Never at rest, never alone, and rellied on by every employee and their families.

    Though it serves as a vassal for the A.I. inside, it is she who is rellied on the most. Guiding, calm and collective, ever thoughtful, both respectful and respected, understanding, and most forgiving, designated as Saint Arcadia, she protects everyone from harming one another like that of a human who wishes unity through understanding above division and abandonment.

    A grand inovation, a server full of dreams, with her and her vassel together.
    They show that humanity can be itself, but that humanity should be more thoughtful and kind to itself.

    This is my final conclusion of Project [Expunged], with the A.I. in "her" final stage, we'll be able to start it's christening the following week. Thank you for your patience Professor [redacted].