• As Jenna stood with blood-shot eyes, David's eyes filled with guilt as he turned away. He had just shattered her heart, and was probably too late to reessemble the pieces. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't. Claire -- his other -- was with him, standing with confidence. She had just won the guy triumphantly. She tugged on David's sleeve slightly, suggesting they leave. He turned, being taken out of thought. Claire lead the way throught the exit. Jenna stood frozen, watching them leave together, fingers innertwined. She could only imagine that being her leaving prom with David. But, it wasn't. And, it killed her knowing it wasn't.
    The next week, Monday -- Langauge Arts. Jenna layed head-down on her stack of books, which seemed to only be able to withstand her weight for a few more seconds, were tilting. Everyone noticed her, no one commented aloud. Until, a familiar voice came from behind Jenna. The voice was talking to the entire classroom, but Jenna didn't lift her head. The voice said in a faint tone, 'This isn't enough. But, I'm sorry..'
    Jenna heard the voice and thought it sounded like David on one of his bad days, but convinced herself it wasn't -- couldn't be. And, if it just happened to be, it surely wasn't intended to her. The voice projected, 'JENNA! I, David, love you! I.. I love you!' Jenna instantly rotated in her seat facing David. 'Lies are easily spoken..' mumbled Jenna. David replied with, 'But, the truth hurts. And, this is hurting you. It must be truth.' Jenna's mind went into a fog as she tried to process what David had just said. Before, she completely understood, he continued with, 'I only chose Claire because I felt sorry for her. She was my ex, and she hadn't let that go. If not for her, you would've been my one, my only, my all. But I blew it.' Jenna stood, 'All you did was show me. And, I forgive you, and the love I have for you is infinite.'
    The entire class was still in fixation with the moment two peers were having. The teacher was studying their converstation closely. 'But, will you share the infinity with me?' David question. The teacher cut whatever Jenna was gonna say off, by saying 'You two are in love, and the intensity is high. You listen to eachother, which means you want to hear.. You want to know. You believe. You're in love. And I know you'll find a way to live with it. Through thick and thin.'
    Jenna and David's eyes met -- white hot. The dismissal bell alarmed, causing a flood of students out the door. But, Jenna and David stayed fixed with eachother, finding a way to live with their love. Suddenly, they're lips touched. 'Can we live with it?' David asked seeming to already know the answer. 'For eternity, until infinity.' Completed Jenna.

    - heart