• Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, and countless other jewels and gemstones glittered and thrummed around her. The multi-colored walls rose, arching high overhead until forming a dome several hundred feet high. The very air of the cavern thrived with the presence of countless jewel-mages who had worked on the dome for centuries. Some names lost to all record.

    Darghal inhaled deeply, drinking in the thick, reassuring magic of the dome. She couldn’t leave the comfort and relative isolation of it quite yet. Then she would have to face the brutal reality of the War again, though she knew she couldn’t hide forever. The goblins’ war with the dwarves had gotten even more brutal over the past three months and now every dwarf capable of fighting was being called out to fight.

    And Kadev says that this doesn’t include me? Darghal wondered sadly. True, she was only a half-dwarf, but she could still make the jewels and gemstones do her will and potentially fight as well. He gets summoned and yet insists I stay behind. She loved her husband of four years fiercely, but it didn’t ease the smarting she felt at being left behind like a simple housewife.

    “Dar?” Kadev’s earthy and rich voice vibrated from the stones as he entered the dome behind Darghal.

    Darghal sensed he was waiting for her to say something, but she just couldn’t. Tears fell silently from her green eyes.

    The thump of Kadev’s armored boots came closer until Darghal felt his hands squeeze her shoulders. “Dar, look at me.” His voice was so quiet that Darghal did turn around and gaze at her dwarf husband’s brown eyes. “Why are you so eager to go to war?”

    “It’s not because of war, Kadev. It’s because of you,” Darghal replied softly. “While you go to protect the Clan, I’m here waiting for word on whether or not you’re alive or dead. “ She raised a quivering hand to touch the one on her shoulder. “I can’t live like that, Kadev. “

    Beneath his earth-colored beard, Kadev smiled a little. “This may be more serious than the Seers realize, Dar. There are only so many Jewel Mages left among us. If you will not take my word because I’m your husband, then take it from me because I’m your teacher.” He released her shoulders and took her hands in his. “You are young and untrained in the jewel war-craft. You must remain here and continue learning what I have taught you.”


    “Darghal, I can’t bear the thought of loosing you, either,” Kadev interrupted intensely, squeezing Darghal’s hands. “Knowing you’re safe here will comfort me greatly.”

    Reluctantly, Darghal nodded and threw her arms around Kadev in a tight embrace.