• Countless silvery eyes scanned the town from above, shedding their brilliant light onto the small village and all that slept there. And everyone was asleep in a wonderful dream-filled land besides the one that was wandering through the streets.

    Curious, the eyes watched as the girl stooped to the ground and plucked a bright red flower. She looked up and around at the short houses that surrounded her with a lonely look on her moon-bathed face.

    Child, what is wrong? The eyes whispered at her, though she seemed not to hear for she simply continued ambling down the worn and buckled cobblestone street.

    The sad eyes followed her progress down the street, softly humming the tune of the night in an attempt to soothe her. Again, no response.

    The soft padding of her footsteps filled the small town, echoing off brick walls and wooden fence posts. Each step seemed to affect her somehow; step, wince, silent silver tear. Step, wince, another tear to fall to the ground.

    Child, please don't cry. The eyes sang out around her in anguish, shedding their own cold tears. The girl looked up in surprise at the chilly water that was falling around her from the clear, star-filled sky. As soon as their tears joined hers on her face, she stopped walking and stared upward.

    Don't cry, my child! The eyes screamed, but the sad face below didn't notice the effort. After a moment of waiting, she continued onward, stumbling a bit in her steps.

    Calming, the tears stopped from above, and so did the tiny drops from the girl's face.

    She reached the gate to the edge of the town and threw a glance over her shoulder at the sleeping homes. A short emotionless smile filled her face for the briefest of moments.

    Child, what is wrong? The eyes tried again, hushing their tone to keep from waking the motionless town from their beautiful dreams.

    "I'm leaving." Whispered the girl as if announcing to the town to explain her coming absence. The eyes softened.

    I'll be with you, child. I'll keep you safe.

    As the girl walked past the gate and into the world unknown, a little crimson flower was dropped at the base of the fence, a signal of her leaving. The eyes spotted this little red dot and caressed it lightly with the moving air around it.

    The girl continued down the path into the moon. Behind her was a small red flower rushing toward the sky, the only pinpoint of color in the midnight sky.