• the endless grave

    By allia Danielle

    The day
    It all started one day, one sunny rainy day in a place I like to call my personal hell. Jacksonville Florida.
    “How can it be raining and you can still get a sunburn? How is that possible? It goes against everything in since so how can it happen in Florida? Oh I know because it is another since that I should move away.” I was talking to my dad, but it seemed that only Duce could hear me. Duce was my brother, only 1 and some change years old. He was in the back seat with me as we drove back home, or as I should say to my prison that used to be home, now it serves as a resting area as I am forced to spending weekend hear every month. In the driver seat was my dad. Well used to be dad, now all he could care about was Erika and Duce. In shout gun was Erika, the step mom that I loved to hate and was a total b***h. Surprisingly more than Duce heard my statement.
    “If you would give Jacksonville a try than you would learn to love it. Anyways you don’t want to leave all your friends and family do you?” ha ha ha very funny Erika. Please like you would care if I was here or in a different world. Any way I do not have any good friends and I would deffenely not miss you. I decided to keep that in my head so instead I was going to act stupid and play along.
    “Well I do not have very many friends and you guys would come to see me right?” Let’s see how she will get out of this one. Hum or maybe dad will change the subject to his work like always. It really bugs me that he does that. It is like every time I try to tell him my feelings he goes and changes the subject to work. I would get it if he was around all the time and just did not want to hear my drama of the day or the work stories had something behind them, but they don’t. That is part of the reason he thinks I am a little girl inside who has no idea of the world around her, like she cannot speak for herself and will always want daddy and everything will be okay with him. Well that train left about 6 years ago. Not all of it is his fault thou, Erika tacks most of the blame. I hope he gets rid of her and fast. But that will probably not happen since there married and have presses’ little Duce to tack care of together. Dad had to break my train of thought.
    “Well plan tickets are getting more expensive and who knows how far you will move away.” His words where the last of my self control.
    “So what you are telling me is that you will not visit me because move far away and that would be too much work, because I can bet that Duce will be with you forever. On a vacation, we have to bring Duce, to a party, we have to bring Duce. The only time you think of me is when you go to put baby stuff in my room. Not Duce’s, but my room and you are like oh Allia has not been here in a couple of weeks huh better ask her to come over. My mom always puts me first, my mom will not date some one that does not like me, better yet married her….”
    “Now hold on one minute I never dated someone that did not like you or marry her. Erika loves you.”
    “Yes and your father has made a lot of sacrifices for you too” they interrupted me.
    “Yeah okay, you did marry someone who did not like me and she is still sitting in front of you her name is Erika if you did not know and also leaving my mom because you did not want anything to do with the thing is not what I call a sacrifice, oh and by the way the thing came to be someone who is smart, pretty, and creative. Just for you Erika that thing is me just in case you did not understand.” I sat back and smiled. It was everything I wanted to say and what could they do about it. They could try to stop me from going over there but it would just be a win. If they grounded me ohh big deal it would be for maybe 3 months. Whatever in 5 years I would be legal and out of the house, free to go anywhere and do anything. The first thing I would do is slap the fake tan off of Erika.
    “Say you’re sorry to me and Erika or you will be grounded and not able to come over again.” My dad told me.
    “No I am not going to say I am sorry for telling you my mind. And I really do not care if I am band from your house.” Well let’s see where this turns out. Watch him look and turn the car toward my mom’s house. That is the type of person he has always been. If he does not like something dump it on a different person.
    “If you do not care than neither do I. I am turning around and taking you home to your mothers.” He is soo the same all the time. I just picked up my book and started reading. After about 20 minutes we pulled into my drive way.
    “There is no need for you to come in Joe.” With that I shut the door and walked up on the porch that surrounded my front door. Right before I went in I looked behind me. No one was there. I knew that my dad would call my mom and she would be mad and everyone would hate me but whatever. I got to say what I wanted to say and I told him that he was out of my life by saying Joe. It was a happy day for me.
    “Do I want to know why you are home or am I going to hear about it later?” my mom asked me. She was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I looked down and kept walking. “Allia Danielle Lewandowski come hear this second.” Crap I’m in for it now.
    “Yes mom.”
    “Answer my question.” She looked at me as if she already knew what I did. Maybe she did, but I wasn’t telling.
    “I think you will hear it later and you do not want to know.” I was going to leave it at that and hope that she forgot. “By the way I am changing my name. It is now Allia Danielle, no Lewandowski.” She looked at me with a questioned look and then she got it.
    “ What did you do allia Danielle.” She yelled. Then the phone rang. The phone could go two ways either it could be my saver or Joe. Let’s hope that it was the first. “ hello this is Georgia speaking. How can I help you.” I heard someone talking in the background. “ yes she is hear.” Mom gave me the phone and mouthed the words ‘its Isaiah’s mom”. I gave her a questioning look and picked up the phone.
    “ oh allia I knew that you would want to hear the news as soon as possible. Isaiah is in the hospital for the flu. Was he acting weird during school on Monday?” she asked me. Wow that was a lot to take in.
    “ well he had a little cough but that was it. What hospital is he in, I want to see him right away.”
    “ I will come and get you right away allia.” Then she hung up. I looked at my mom who was sitting there like the everything was fine.
    “ so what did she say” my mom asked me.
    “ she said that she is coming to get me to go to the hospital that Isaiah is in.” I heard her gasp. I turned and walked to my room. I grabbed my cell phone and walked outside to what for his mom. Me and Isaiah had been dating for three years now. We had liked each other for five. I had just went to his sweet sixteen. He was fine on Friday and now he is in the hospital. A let out a long hurtful cough. Oh grate now I am getting sick. She pulled up in the drive way and honked once. My mom waved to me from the window. It took 20 minutes of no talking silence to get to shand's. We ran into the hospital and to his room. When he saw me he smiled.
    “ I thought that you would be one of the first people to see me.”
    “ whatever your mom called me and told me. Why didn’t you tell me that you where sick on Friday.” Right before he answered a punk looking doctor came in. I was not like he was punk just I felt like he was. He was also beautiful. When I looked back at Isaiah he had the same questioned look at me. I coughed again and this time it was harder and longer. At the same time I herd Isaiah do it too. The doctor looked at me and I saw something in his eye. Well it was his eye. It looked like I was looking into a pitch black hole. Then it went away.
    “ well it seems that I have two patients in this room.” I herd Isaiah mom gasp at that. “ maim can you call this young lady’s mom and tell her that she will be checking in.
    “ how do you know this.” She asked him.
    “ I specialized in flu’s and she has it. Please if you do not mind I need to speak to them alone.

    twisted Dr. Mich evil
    “ well allia if you would can you get in the bed next to Isaiah.” He asked me. I started to walk over there when something clicked.
    “ how do you know my name.” I asked him.
    “ that will be answered as soon as you do what I say.”