• “Fine! Here” I grabbed a blue pen and grabbed her arm hard and she screeched oh while I held her arm and drew the ankh on her. I let go of her arm, “There. Now you have the power or whatever.”…

    I stalked off to my room. I wasn’t going to sleep tonight, not if there was a chance of the goddess or whatever coming to give me the full power. I sat up in my room and logged onto my computer and signed into my email. I had zero new emails. I shut the computer and calmed down. I walked down to Emma. She was in the bathroom, the door open and the water running. She was scrubbing fiercely. I stood in the doorway, “Emma… Can we talk?” She looked up in the mirror she bent her down, “Jayne…I know you are going through a lot, but-”
    “Emma, let me talk, please. Im sorry…but you’ve got to understand that Im only sixteen, this is a huge risk not only to me but to you. Im just so sorry….Ems Im sorry.”
    She stopped scrubbing and looked at me, “Jay, I know you’re sorry. But I think maybe I should just go away for a while.”
    “NO! Absolutely not. Emma, you are like my sister. Im sorry!”
    “Look Jayne-”
    “NO!” I walked over to her and put my hands lightly on her shoulders, “Emma do you remember when we were little and we would say we would stay together forever and if one left and the other needed her the other would come to her aid. Then we would do our handshake?”
    “Yes and we sealed it in blood from our mosquito bites.” She cautiously said this.
    “Well, I need you to come to my aid. Emma Im scared. Usually Im not scared, even when I was immortal, but now…” I looked up at her through my hair and she brushed it behind my ear, “Emma now I don’t even know if I can do this. I need you, you’ve always made me do the right thing.”
    She hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Its not the moment to cry.”
    “That’s just it, it is the moment to cry.” But I didn’t cry. We walked out and Damon was in the kitchen along with my father. Damon looked at me and my dad came towards me, “Jayne, I know this is hard but-”
    I lowered my head and brought it up and set my jaw, “But I have to do it.” Emma smiled at me. Damon came over to me, “Lets take a walk.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly. He walked me outside and we walked around the block. After a minute of silence he quietly but pain in his voice, “Jayne, do you think I wont protect you?”
    He stopped and put his arms around me, “Jayne, you act as if you think no one can help you and the only one there for you is Emma. You act as if Im just your boyfriend.”
    “Damon, don’t…don’t say that.” I brought my eyes to his face and it was full of pain so I traced his features with my finger, “Damon, please. Im sorry for making you feel this way.” I had apologized so much lately.
    He looked down at me, “Jayne, I just want you to know that I can protect you and Im here for you.”
    I couldn’t speak I was just to happy that he said that. I put my arms around his neck and cried. I cried because I was happy, I cried because I didn’t want to be the one choosen, I cried because it was all to much, I cried because I wanted my mom, I cried because of everything. He just stood there letting me cry, letting me ruin his shirt. When I was done he wiped my eyes. I looked into his eyes, “Thank you.” That was all I could say. We walked back home and my dad was sitting in the living room with a cup of some sort of drink and he was talking with Emma. He stood when we walked in, “Whats wrong?” I looked at Emma and she smiled and nodded ever so slightly and then I looked at Damon who was only looking at me. I looked to my father, “What do I have to do?”…