• I am standing at the mouth of
    A chasm wide as the Earth.
    There are no shadows here; there's
    no light with which to cast them.
    The rock is bone white -impossible but
    I can see- plummeting down into a void.
    The vanishing point.
    I felt fear like never before.
    The pale rider watched me, and his pearl
    eyes smoked like the mane of Apocalypse.
    "Why are you afraid?"
    I could not answer. My mind was
    consumed with a question of its own.

    Why do they call you Death?

    Those terrible eyes saw through me.
    No wind blew.
    Cliffs of ash collapsed into Oblivion.
    Desolation billowed from its maw.
    "So they will not seek me.
    So they will not know
    The Truth..."
    My eyes trembled in their sockets. I could
    feel my tongue swollen in its dusty mouth.
    What is The Truth?
    I burned to ask him, but as
    my desire grew so did my
    tongue. It was choking me.
    I noted with horror that my skin was
    cracking. Vermin slithered out of my flesh.
    As my soul screamed for rescue from
    this place, a world undisputably
    real and terrible, the pale rider turned
    his gaze to the East.
    I, the only living thing in this realm
    Stood beside Death as the black sun rose.
    I witnessed truths beyond comprehension,
    escaping words and structure.....
    I cannot continue. My hand grwshea..