• The airport was a mess. People where EVERYWHERE!!!!!! By the time I made it to the front desk, I’d been in the building for a half an hour, and Nessie’s plane had been in the air for three hours. In 5 hours she’d have free reign all across London. I shuddered at that thought.
    “Excuse me,” I asked the lady at the desk. “When’s the next flight to London?”
    “The next one leaves in an hour.” She said, clearly bored with the conversation. She was playing with a pencil on the desk, more interested in it then our conversation.
    “One ticket please.” I said.
    “First class or…” she finally looked up at me and eyed the dirty rags that I was wearing. (I had to “run” to the airport.) “Coach.” She finished, saying the word repulsively. I smiled to myself. Since I was using the bloodsucker’s money…
    “First class, please.” I said, slapping the platinum debit card down on the shiny counter. She stared at it like it was a personal insult to her. With a huff, she wordlessly picked the card up and rung up my ticket.
    “Any baggage?” she asked quietly with a little more respect.
    “Nope.” I replied. She then practically threw the card and my ticket at my face.
    “Have a nice flight…sir.” She spat the last word out. Her voice dripping with venom, I smiled.
    “I certainty will!” I said rubbing it in her over make-up-a-fied face. She smiled crookedly the looked behind me
    “NEXT!” She yelled. I moved out of line and walked prestige-ly toward the security checkpoint. It wasn’t far, but when I got there a FAT guy behind a security computer looked at me, Another security guy behind the metal detector looked up from his playboy at me, when he realized I was just a normal Indian dude, he sighed and returned to his playboy. I walked through, Of course No beep.
    “Baggage…?” The guy in front of the computer inquired.
    “Nope.” I said walking away. Looking back once to check out How Friggin FAT the guy was “Jesus” I whispered. Werewolf or not if that guy sat on me I would BE DEAD! I gagged as he took a bite from a hidden jelly Doughnut (trying not to imagine where it had just resided). Then I peeked at the playboy magazine (Yah I know it’s not the BEST magazine in the world, But A guy has NEEDS! And mine hadn’t been fulfilled today… Maybe once I find Nessie we can spend a little alone time… Maybe I really did need those Male genitalia). ON the page there was Some Busty Blonde chick posing on a bed… Same As Always! I’d moved on to the star bucks (Located so Conveniently near the security checkpoint! I wondered if that’s where the fat guy got most of his jelly doughnuts.). Got myself a coffee. And moved on to the terminal. There was a lot of open space (Like only 5 people were sitting there for some reason. London struck me as a place that people visited often.) I took my spot near some old lady. Who STUNK of Tuna Fish…. I didn’t know Crazy Cat ladies still excised they also struck me as a species of human/elderly that had long ago gone extinct. PROVES WHAT I KNOW!