• She took another shot of the vodka and felt it burn all the way to her stomach. Vodka was nasty, but it was sure was a quick way to get plastered. Rowan really wanted to be down and desperately drunk tonight. Life wasn't easy and it just kept coming. another shot down, more heartburn, just another night in this so called paradise.

    " Hello cuteness may i buy you a drink?" she felt his hand on her shoulder playing with her dark red-brown hair.she also smelled cheap bourbon on his breath,and it mad her shudder.

    "nope got my own bottle. although you can remove your hand" Her voice was low controlled, like ice. Her grey eyes glared at the hand on her shoulder."that is if you want to keep it"an other shot went down her throat.

    " Aw hunny i like feisty girls. You and me need to go a place a lil more quiet...." he put his other hand on her breast and squeezed.

    Like lightning Rowan spun around and had a 45. under his chin. She cocked the pistol with a thick audible click. "I believe I said to remove your hand and get lost." her eyes narrowed as she say the fear in his. " Piss yourself I dare you." her full peach lips formed an evil smile, then she threw him to the floor. "Get outta my bar You pig." With that she turned her back to him and downed another shot.
    Rowan was eight shots in when he came in looking for her. He was tall and had a tan, the kind that spoke of a hard worker. Dark brown eyes filled with worry as he scanned the bar. his hair occasionally fell in his face as he looked only to be swept back with a strong calloused hand.She smiled his hair fell into his eyes when they were doing other things as well.
    "Ro!" he called to her

    'damn he found me' she thought as she downed two more shots.

    "Ro, what are you doing, you said you were gonna stop drinking"
    His brown eyes bore into her grey ones but she refused to meet his gaze. Instead she just threw some money on the bar and walked away.

    He walked right behind her. not trying to pass her , just trying to keep up.he watched her walk and wondered at her silence. he watched how she swerved in her walk .She had always been a light weight.
    "Rowan just talk to me you know you shouldnt his voice was filled with concern.

    "Go hang yourself Alder" pure venom laced her voice

    "Hey! Whats your problem i didn't do a damn thing to you!"

    "Oh yeah like hell.....oh i love you we should date....we cant date right now to a complicated life at the moment, but hey lets be ******** buddies!...then you ignore me for weeks..and you show up for wat ten minutes and hold me and say you love me then u leave again!" her voice broke "like hell u did alder! Like hell you did! tears streamed down her face as she sunk to her knees "You user leave me alone ill leave this world in any manner i see fit!"

    "Rowan.... i do love you...." his voice sounded hurt like it was a revelation to him.

    "Then why cant be be together huh? why cant you sit near me if your family is in the area? how come you just leave!" she screamed into the night

    "Its complicated...."

    "No! I need answer I need one right friggen now !"she rose to her feet and looked him square in the eye "whats so complicated. I'm not asking u to marry me, i just want some affection!"

    He stood there silent.His eyes covered by his black hair.Several minutes went by in silence the air seemed to get thicker.

    " Fine....When You have an answer..come find me." she pulled out her 45 and emptied her clip into the wall next to her. As she walked away she let the tears fall.

    Opun the wal it spelled out in bullets was the phrase: