• "Okay, just get me my staff" I said. Greed looked surprised, but shook his head and handed me my staff. "Heill se raga li'eth" I whispered and I began to heal my body. I began to feel less tired. Greed loomed over me, his eyes, examining every part of my body without his hands. "You can't move at all when I'm taking blood from your body, if you do, your blood will end up flowing out of your body, causing you to die from blood loss." he said. "How comforting" I said sarcastically, but did as he said and made myself still. Greed kissed me quickly on the lips than leaned his head down to my neck. Suddenly, I felt two needles dig into my skin, into my blood stream. It hurt, as if it was someone eating my flesh instead of just sucking blood from it. I tried not to move, but it was hard. When Greed began to lift his head, he licked the place on my neck that he bit and I felt the pain go away. I sighed, but I began to feel lightheaded. Greed caught me, but when did I begin to fall? I didn't know. My head was pressed into Greed's chest, his arms around me proectivly. "I think I took too much blood." he said. I looked up at Greed, my blood still on his lips and chin. Two pointy teeth were still sticking out of his mouth. I brushed his teeth, Greed didn't seem surprised by what I was doing. His fangs felt sharp and delicate. I got the bottom of my shirt and wipe the blood off his face. He smiled a bit, I smiled back. "You should rest here." Greed told me. "I'll go sleep over there" Greed said pointing to a spot a little far off from me. Before he could go, I grabbed him by the arm. "I don't want you to go" I told him. He looked at me "You've lost too much blood, there's not enough going to your head, you're becoming loony" he said, and he was right. I wrapped my arms around his neck "Kiss me" I told him. Greed's face went red as he tried to get away from me "Wha-" he tried to say. I tried to kiss him, but he dogded it. "Jeez, Greed." I said pinning him down to floor "Just stay still." Greed shook his head as I sat on his stomach and leaned in close to his face. "No way! In the morning you're going to be able to think clearly again, and than you're going to kill me!" he said. "You're so cute when you're afraid." I said. "What the hell is that supposed mean!?" He yelled. I was so close to his face, our foreheads touched and I could feel the warmth of his breath. "It means I love you!" I said. Greed's whole face lit up like a red christmas light. "By the way, I have all my blood back, I'm not lying" I told him. His face became even more red. "But, how?" he asked. "I'm a mage, I can heal faster than humans, even from bloodloss." I said. "But, scince when did you regain your blood?" he asked. "When I said 'I love you'" I told him. "I knew it!" he said. "You never said it, but I knew it!" he said. I rolled my eyes and got off his stomach. "Get some sleep" I told him and lied down to a deep sleep, not aware that Greed slept with his arms around me. Greed's arms, soon enough, they would be my only sanctuary from my fears and unhappiness, I just didn't know it yet.

    Next, Demon King 17