• The men rounded the building and stopped in front of Teddy's Day Care service. They wore heavy armored suits and weilded equally heavy guns. One lifted up his arm and a hatch flipped open. He pressed some buttons and a person popped up on the screen. The man in the suit spoke, "This is Lieutenant Thompson of the Seras Liberators Fifth Squad. We're in the pickup sight, and waiting for the Big Bird." The person on the screen nods, "Copy that, Thompson, sending B.B. for your pick-up. E.T.A. is 10 minutes." The man sighs, "Roger, we'll be here." The hatch folds down and he lowers his arm, "Captain, we're stuck 'ere for 10 mins until that bird picks us up." The Captain Commander nods, "Alright, let's take up defensive positions." The five men make a defensive guard and wait for the bird.

    Thompson looks to the Captain Commander, "Aye, cap, I think I'm 'onna ask Julia to marry me when I get back home.." One of the men looks to him, "Aww, so cute, our little man's all grown up." He chuckles and Thompson flips him off, "Aye, screw you Dom." The others laugh and a visor on one of the others rolls up. The large Somolian man looks to Thompson, "Well, if you love her, then you should ask her to marry you, bra." He nods and goes back to doing his duty. Another man, with a Southern ascent nods, "Yee, jus' make sure you don' hurt 'er any, ya'know? We're all a fam'ly 'ere." He shoulders the light machine gun on his shoulder. Another man looks to them, "Well, I don' care. If the rookie loves 'er, I can care less if he loves the gal or dumps her." He shrugs and the man looks around, "Let's just pay attention to the environment." The Captain Commander sighs, "He's right, get back to your duties." The men go back to watching the environment, only four minutes have passed.

    Thompson looks around at the environment; The city laid in ruins, resembling nothing of it's past beauty. The sound of explosions and the rata-tat-tat of gunfire can be heard in the far distance. Usually just before the large explosions, you would hear an eerie silence and a whistling sound, then the explosions could be seen and heard. Thompson turns back to the Captain Commander, "Aye, Cap'n. How long have you and June been married?" The Captain Commander looks to him, "Only five years." He nods, "That's nice.. Hope mine can last long." He looks up and stares at the smoke-filled sky. He turns back to the Captain Commander, "Aye, Captain.. Would you care if we could speak later about the wedding?" The Captain Commander laughs, "Sure, why not?" Thompson smiles, "Thank you, Captain. I'm glad you accep-" A bang is heard and Thompson's head kicks back, and blood splatters back onto the pavement, but that may not have been all. The Captain Commander's eyes are wide as he watches the young man fall to his knees and crumble down.

    The Captain Commander turns to the others, all with almost the same look, "Sniper! Take cover!" The men run to cover as the sniper hits the Captain Commander's shoulderpad, the bullet bouncing and scratching his cheek. He throws himself down against a car, pushing the car back some. The Somolian looks to him, "Captain, he's be in that Church Tower!" The Captain Commander pops up and raises the chaingun attached to one of his arms. The Captain Commander lets out a roar as the chain-gun starts and spits out the .70 cal shells. The bullets rip through the building and rip apart anything inside. The top of the tower breaks and it crumbles down. The chaingun slows down and stops, smoking a little. The ground rumbles and the men look over to the Captain Commander. The Captain Commander looks around and he looks to the Teddy's Day Care building. He looks to his men, "Let's go! We've got a Dread on us now!"

    The men jump up and run off with the Captain Commander. A machine burst through the front of the building and turns towards them. The mini-gun on the arm starts up. The machine speaks in a almost humanly, but robotic, voice, "I have come to destroy you." The rounds pump out and one of the men is shredded apart. The Dread follows after them, keeping up fairly well for such a large machine. They round a corner and the Somolian lifts up his arm and calls the HQ. The HQ picks up, "Yes, Rin, what do you need?" Rin pays attention to where he's going more than the screen, "We need a rolling e-vac! We've got a Dread on our tail." The HQ responds, "Roger, we got roll-up coming in. McMalley is somewhere near you all, try and find him." Rin keeps running, "Roger that!" He closes the little hatch and the team takes another corner.

    The machine burst through another wall and grabs the Southern speaking man with a tri-finger hand. The Dread raises it up to a screen, "Now die." The arm's mechanism pulls back and slams forward like a hammer, and the hand crushes the man's chest and breaks his spine. The Dread tosses the man through the building and follows the two others. The Dread fires as it walks and almost hits the Somolian. They come around another corner and see a tank. They stop and stare, the Captain Commander sighing, "Aww, s**t." The top hatch flips open and a man with reddish, curly hair pops up, "Oi, yu two be lookin' like ya be in a fix. How 'bout yer ol' friend McMalley clean up the big baddies fer ya?" The Captain Commander grins, "All yours, ya ol' drunk." The men walk to the sides of the tank.

    The Dread rounds the corner and looks to the tank. It changes to its auto-cannon and pumps a round into the tank. The tank jumps back but only has some black mark damage. McMalley laughs and loads the HEAT shell. The Dread loads another shell and shoots the tank again, doing hardly any damage, just like before. The tank fires the shell and it digs into the Dread. The Dread stumbles back and loads another shell, it goes to fire, and then the cab of the machine explodes. The Dread falls over and the men shout, "Hoo-yah!" The Somolian and the Captain Commander high five each other and they hear the tri-engined airship above. It lowers down and hooks up the tank. A hatch opens and the men walk up into it. The airship flies off toward the northeast. The Captain Commander looks out of a window and over the large city. Explosions and gunfire seen all around it. The Somolian puts a hand on his shoulder, "Captain.. It's not your fault. Things like dis happen. We have no control of this." The Captain Commander nods, "Yeah.. I'm just thinking of what I'll tell my daughter now." The Somolian nods and take his hand from the Captain Commander's shoulderpad. The airship flies over the burning and ruined city, once known as one of the most populated cities in the United States; New York City, New York.