• Silver Fox pt1 (POV means Point of View)

    Blackmoon's POV
    I layed down in pain while giving birth to the first breed of wolf and fox, a forrbidden breed,yet i feel happy. I snapped at my lover he was trying to help but i know better,he sat there and layed his head down,nipping at his gray fur coat.I suddenly yelped and heard 4 little whimpers,my lover just looked with his eyes wide. I sat up and cleaned my new borns,two looked like him and two like me.Oh what a happy day.

    Trent's POV
    I looked wide eyed at my new born pups,two like me,if i could laugh i would.I wonder why blackmoon's temper rised......maybe this is the reson....wait....is that..... a silver pup?!Oh no........that is proof that me and blackmoon breeded.....this is not good......oh not good.
    I trotted out the cave and my paws felt the winter snow. Ah snow.....what a cold feeling!Something is....diffrent.I smelled the air. Hunters.I looked back at my pups and blackmoon.I have to protect them,i have to.

    Blackmoon's POV
    Where is he going.....hunters?I almost got up but the pups whimpered for milk.I must,stay.....yes stay....i'll be safe..wait what am i talking about myself for?!!!The pups will be safe.I heard a dreadful howl."Trent!"i barked.......oh....trent.......trent......trent..... I blackout knowing my pups would be feed.

    Trent's Last POV
    Blackmoon........black......moon......be safe.......be......safe.