• One day, there was a little bird born to a cardinal. The mother died at birth. The little bird walked awkwardly around the nest, waiting for his mother's return. The cardinal, of course, will not return. Something wet and sticky fell on the little cardinal's head. It was tree sap. The bird waited for many days and nights for the cardinal's return. Finally, it closed it's eyes and rested it's beak on a lumped up pile of straw. The little bird, while waiting for it's mother had watched many other birds, like eagles and hawks, train their babies to fly. One day, after many sight-seeings of parents teaching the youngsters to fly, the bird decided to fly as well. The first attempt did not go so well. He jumped from the nest and fell straight to the ground. Luckily, two cotton bushes were underneath. He fell safely into the cotton. After numerous times, he finally managed to make it up the tree again. The second attempt at flying he remembered to flap his wings. He flied for about 5 seconds, until he stopped and studied a worm that was barely visible in the dirt. He did pretty well for not being raised by a mother. Before he fell to the ground again, he was able to pick up the worm and flap his wings. The bird kept getting higher and higher until he reached the tree.