• Keno was a ninja warrior. He was in love deeply with Sumi. A kung fu champion. Sumi was the first female to make it to the championship's.
    Sumi worked at the China Tower's. Protecting King Chaca and Queen Aya.
    While Keno worked long and hard a Nink Ninja School. Dr. Nink was a well expert. But was evil as the grin on his face.
    One day the king and queen went in the Dragon Onix Parade. Sumi felt trouble. But soon felt love. She saw Keno standing by the Nula Well.
    GUN FIRE! Sumi turned to see Chaca dead with Aya weeping. Keno chased a dark figure up the Warrior Bell.
    He pulled of the mask. IT WAS NINK! Guard's took him into custody.
    Sumi kissed Keno and wondered to the Tower. But to Keno's help he and Sumi lived in the Asha Village together.

    THE heart END