One Halloween a small boy named Zack was walking through a pumpkin patch with his older brother and his Big sister. The pumpkin patch was isolated in a large field and it was jet black outside the only light was the shining radiance of the pale bluish white moon. Zack stepped over roots and vines to avoid damaging the pumpkins. Zack was about 6 years old he had short black hair and his eyes were a very unusual yellow color. He was only 4’5 and he had pale skin, his sister use to tease him cause he was pale. Zack had mostly ignored them he thought it was just a sign that they were jealous that he got all of the attention. He always had a bad feeling about going anywhere at night with his brother and his sister especially. Zack’s sister Marilyn was gorgeous she was a light tan color and had long curly black hair. Her eyes were blue and she had the whitest teeth anyone in her family had ever seen, she was tall about 6’1 and she had the build of a model. But her one flaw was that she loved to torment little Zack with their other brother Jeremiah. Jeremiah was about 17 he had the body build of a linebacker on a football team he was gargantuan. Jeremiah shared many of his little brother’s qualities such as his short black hair, pale skin, and yellow eyes. Jeremiah, Zack, and their dad were both handsome and their Sister and mother were gorgeous.
Jeremiah and Marilyn walked with little Zack through the pumpkin patch both of them had a plan that would scare little Zack half to death. “So Zacky how are you” said Marilyn as she looked down at her brother who looked like a dwarf compared to his skyscraper of a sister. “I swear ill tell mom” said Zack as he looked up into his sisters maniacal face, you see Zack knew that his siblings loved to scare him they got a big kick out of it. “What do you mean you’ll tell mom you little half pint” said Jeremiah as he looked down at his brother. “If you guys do anything to me I swear ill tell” said Zack in his “I’m trying to be brave” voice. “What makes you think that we brought you out into a pumpkin patch in the middle of a field at night in pitch black just to do something to you” said Marilyn. “I might be six but I wasn’t born yesterday” said Zack as he stepped over one of the pumpkin vines. “Why are we here anyway I don’t see anyone here other than us” said Zack as he looked down on the ground and saw the thick quilt of vines. They were standing in a huge field on what looked like abandoned farm land. The air was chilly and damp and the mood was eerie as if something horrible was about to happen. “well we are about to go and visit a old haunted house, they say that no one lives there but the lights are always on and they say that the ghosts of the former owners of the house live there and kill all who try and enter the house” said Marilyn. “Are you out of your rabbit mind I’m not going in that house” said Zack as he looked up at his sister and stopped walking. Zack looked forward and realized that they had just entered the yard of the old house. His heart began to beat faster and faster, his legs became weak, he was as pale as a ghost, and a ghastly fear began to take over his entire being. “Oh you’re going in” said Jeremiah as he scooped his little brother under one of his arms and pinned him in. “Get me from under here you smell like old cheese and sweaty gym socks, bro do you need some deodorant” said Zack as he struggled with the little bit of strength he had left to get out of his brothers iron death grip. “You’re not going anywhere” said Jeremiah as he continued to walk. “Jeremiah not even I would put him through smelling your armpit’s I mean you do kind of stink under there I think it might be a major health problem” said Marilyn. “Oh shut it” said Jeremiah as he tried to smell his under arm discretely. The Trio marched up to the house and stopped in front of it as all 3 of them gazed up at it in sheer terror and excitement. The paint on the house had long since began to peal and fade and the wood looked to be over a century old, the windows had spider webs in the frames as did the door. Just as people had said the lights were sure enough on in the house but there were no signs of life there. The house was surrounded by old knurled tree’s whose bark looked as if it was afraid or woeful. The leaves rustled in the tree’s and not even the wind could be heard, this seemed to make Marilyn uneasy even as fearless as she was. Jeremiah regained his composure and slowly walked up the old steps, the old wood creaked under his feet and his shoes made a thudding sound. Jeremiah gave a sigh and breathed in he looked down to see his little brother paralyzed with fear. Zack was trying his best to be fearless but that rouse was over, he began to breathe slow then fast then slow then fast. “Take him in” said Marilyn as she gave a crooked smile she was right behind her brother, her stiletto boots making a tapping sound mixed with the squeaking of the wood under her feet. The leaves rustled in the tree’s making a sort of scratching noise. Marilyn flinched at this sound and pushed her brother to open the door with his free hand. Jeremiah opened the old wooden door. The door slowly swung open with a creaking noise the spider webs clung to the door frame for dear life. They stepped into the house and looked as the small space that leads from room to room which branched off in 4 different directions everything was dust covered and had spider webs dangling from them. The house smelled old and musky. They three of them entered the house and the door shut behind them. Zack, still under his brothers arm and dangling off the ground sideways, stiffed the putrid air and began wrinkle his nose. Everywhere they stepped dust rose from the ground and into the air. “Interesting” said Marilyn as she stepped in front of her brother and began to walk down a long narrow dusty hallway that was illuminated by a flurry of candles. Marilyn began to look at the walls and she saw that they were adorned with dusty pictures and paintings that looked to be over 100 years old. “Beautiful simply beautiful” whispered Marilyn to herself as she continued leading the way through the house. She rounded a corner and it was pitch black in this room. It had begun to storm after they got into the house so it was raining and lightning outside. A flash of lightning flashed past one of the windows and revealed a tall curly hair figure in the corner wearing a skeleton mask and a black cloak. The three of their eyes grew larger and they began to race down the hallway to get back to the door and to get out of the house, they ran screaming at the top of their lungs and before they reached the door the masked figure stepped in front of it “You can’t leave you are my guests” said the figure in a morbid and dark voice. “look mister or miss we don’t want any trouble we thought no one lived here” said Marilyn as she heard someone begin to cry behind her “oh Zack shut up you little baby” said Marilyn. “That’s not me” said Zack as he looked up to see Jeremiah bawling in tears “I’m to young to die” said Jeremiah. “Are you f-ing kidding me” said Marilyn. “Well Madam actually there isn’t anyone other than you 3 in this house who is “living” said the masked figure as it gave a hearty laugh. “why don’t you meet the family” said the masked figure as he tore the mask from its face to show a handsome vampire like man. The man held his head into the air and yelled “Hooooooooooooooooooo” as ghouls and ghosts dressed in old Victorian clothes began to appear out of couches and from fireplaces. The ghouls had multiple ghoulish and scary expressions as they appeared next to him and they all began to walk back down the hall. There was one ghoul dressed in a jester’s outfit he hopped down the hall and shook his head making the bells on his hat jingle.
To be Continued
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