• Dust and small debris scudded across the roof top. I could hear it long before I opened the hatch and emerged into the five o'clock sunlight. I lifted myself from the hatch way and my eyes met that of Urei's glare. "How long you been waiting?"
    She shrugged and let her eyes wander back off into the afternoon sky, "Maybe an hour, maybe two. Not long enough it seems."
    "Why do you say that?" I lowered myself onto the ledge upon which she was perched.
    "You still look depressed."
    "I just wish today wasn't a Thursday. I mean, why a Thursday, it felt so much like a Friday, and why? To tease me. I hate my life...."
    "Wow!" She began to chuckled, "Aren't you emo today? Haha!"
    I began to laugh as well. My eyes left hers and lay upon the sky. The city-scape of the megalopolis was incredible. The Ybatsu Corporation Tower, home of the most infamous corporation in all the world, rose high above the city. Crimson clouds cuddled with its structure. Soon it blotted out the sun. It was clear in this hour who had ownership over this world, let alone city. "What're you thinkin' bout now? Jumping off YCT?"
    My concentration trailed from the sky and fell back onto her, "Ha! No, I'm just thinking how much I would love to have their power."
    "Why? So you could oppress everyone below you? So you could have the government cowering beneath you?" Her eyes blazed with a furious passionate flame. One might call Urei an anarchist since the Ybatsu Corp. was the only governing body around. "No silly, to be loved!"
    "Who would love you then?"
    "I would hate you."
    "Is hate not as passionate as love?" I turned back to the glowing tower. "Today is a day that will never end."
    I could feel her gaze lay upon my face, "And tomorrow will be a day to end all."
    I looked upon her face; eyes deadlocked on the tower. "What do you have planned Urei?"
    She met my eyes and laughed, "Nothing my sweet Kyo!" A quick peck on my cheek and she was gone. "See you tomorrow love." And she descended into the hatch way.

    I sat there for maybe half an hour more, just admiring the beauty and marvel of this city, Syntropolis, pride and joy of all Talemayn. Yet as honorable and precious as it was to the entire planet, it reeked of emptiness, and sorry. Tomorrow something would happen, something that would change my life and millions of others' forever. I only now wish that I had been wrong.