Note: As a writer I constantly think of character backgrounds, even RP characters. So I came up with this idea for Diedrick's background. I should start posting these in chapter form quite often. Obviously, if you steal this, I will kill you.
The young demon prince held the blankets tightly around him as he heard the sounds of battle in the hallway. Screams and shouts filled the air and the seven year old sank down, cowering at the sounds for a moment.
Slowly, he slinked off the bed, leaving the covers there as he drew the dagger he kept hidden beneath his pillow and crept to the wall, opening a secret panel in it and slipping through, shutting it tightly behind him. He stared through the peep hole into the room, wondering what would come through his door.
His parents were powerful demons, considered a king and queen among their kind so many were loyal to them, but many more were in alliance against them. That was why he was hiding now, there was a raid on their castle and the forces had broken through. He, Diedrick, would be one of the objects of desire in the raid. If caught he would likely be tortured and killed, sold into slavery, or taken in by another family. But the incubus did not intend to be caught, not at all.
Likely, if he was caught, he would be kept as a slave. He was a curiosity, a freak among freaks. His vibrant red, pupil less eyes denoted his race and lineage very easily from his mother’s side. However, his hair was like that of an angel and he did not resemble his father at all. There were rumors that he was not his father’s son, no that his mother had slept with an angel and he had been the result. The pallor of his skin and the immense power he was showing at this age would go with that assumption. So, if Diedrick was caught he would be in great danger.
The door swung open, the boy tensed. A Lycan, fangs evident, entered with a bloody blade in hand. It snarled. “Come out, come out, little incubus.” It turned to inspect the bed.
Diedrick crept from his hiding place, moving to crouch behind his dresser. The wolf perked up, having heard his movement, and raised its sword, about to bring it down on the young incubus. But Diedrick was faster. In seconds he was on the wolf and slit its throat without a second thought. Lithe as an acrobat, he flipped from the falling body, landing easily in the pooling blood.
It took a moment of realization, but he turned and stared at it, growing more and more horrified at the sight before him. Had he actually done that? The acrid scent of blood filled the air, almost making him sick. He doubled over, falling to his knees as someone else entered the room.
Blood soaked through his clothes and into his hair before he looked up to see a small group of fox demons standing there, all astonished at the sight before them. Diedrick growled and launched himself at them. He stabbed the first one’s neck with his dagger, pushing the demon back against the other two. They stumbled and he struck again, slitting both their throats.
The sickening sound of ripping flesh filled the air before all went silent. The boy knelt in the pooling blood, dizzied from his actions. His eyes pulsed with power as he stood, completely still, silence all around him. But…there…footsteps, footsteps echoing toward him. Who could it be? His grip on the dagger tightened as he turned toward the sound.
“Diedrick,” a voice called from the darkness. His mother, Valerie Hale, emerged, her too-tight, too low-cut clothing leaving little to the imagination, but that wasn’t something the young incubus really thought about, just something he was beginning to notice. Valerie swept him up in her arms, holding him tightly in an embrace, stroking his hair as he leaned his head against her shoulder. “Thank goodness you’re all right!” She smiled, not seeming to be bothered by the blood that ran from her son’s person onto hers. Finally, however, she looked around. “My, my. Did you kill all of these people?”
“They attacked me,” Diedrick whispered, not acknowledging nor hiding his actions. His dagger was still clutched in his hand as he huddled close to his mother.
Valerie laughed. “You are so like your father, dear one,” she answered. She set him down, taking hold of the hand that was not holding a dagger, and began leading him down the hallway. “Speaking of which, let’s go see him.” She smiled down at her son. “You never do seem to stay clean. We’ll have to give you a bath once this is all done… I wouldn’t want my baby boy to be all bloody, now would I? No…you’re much too precious, too beautiful.” She smiled again, not bothered by the gore around them that so disturbed the 7 year-old she was leading.
Diedrick frowned. “I don’t like baths…” he stated softly, though he wouldn’t argue. He would rather have the scent of blood off of him.
Suddenly a knife came whistling through the air, piercing Valerie’s heart and going out the other side. The succubus stopped, collapsing to the ground, her face frozen in a smile, her eyes empty. Diedrick stared at his mother’s body, stunned, numb. Another knife came whistling through the air, but he dodged it, his attention now on the demon in the shadows.
His eyes glowed red and the four demons he had killed rose from the ground, their eyes the same color as the incubus’s. The other demon tried to run but, as Diedrick smiled innocently, the bodies attacking the one who tried to run, slaughtering him.
Diedrick turned around as his mother’s body rose as well, her eyes glowing with his light. He took her hand and they began walking toward his father’s room, being escorted by the other demons. Valerie’s face was still frozen in that same smile and, as they walked, her son became perturbed as he could not comprehend why she would not speak.
“Mother?” he asked softly, frowning as he looked up at her. No answer. “Have I done something wrong?” Still nothing. “Momma, answer me!” Silence. He stopped. So did she. “Momma, pick me up?”
She bent down, that same smile on her face, and raised him from the ground. Diedrick smiled, concluding she was just playing as she usually did. However, when he reached his hand out to hold onto her, it fell into the hole where her heart had been. He began to shake, realizing his mother was not alive any longer. He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out as the bodies fell. He struggled to get his hand out of the hole as the demon healing began its process, despite the fact that the body was no longer inhabited.
Diedrick stumbled back, his hand now covered in his mother’s blood. Taking one last look at the group of corpses, he turned and sprinted away from the scene, panicked.
But he was not the kind of person to voice his fear, nor cry over someone unless he was irrevocably tied to them. His mother, though important to him, never really…gave him much, just got him into things that he had the feeling he shouldn’t be a part of. So no tears fell, he gave no cry that would betray his terror, he just ran as fast as he could.
The halls were lined with corpses and stained with blood. He squeezed his eyes shut and kept going, tearing through the corridors, praying his father still lived. Everything was eerily silent and no one he knew was around so he didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad one.
Finally, however, the young demon reached his father’s chambers and burst into the room. Blood was everywhere as were the bodies of 30 soldiers. The scent was overpowering and he struggled to hold his breath, keep from taking it in, though that was nearly impossible. Diedrick shivered in fear but turned his attention to the figure suspended on the wall.
The man’s black hair was matted with blood and his tanned skin was covered in grime and wounds. His regal attire was torn and blood-soaked, falling in sad, tattered pieces around him. Completely red eyes were open, staring out accusingly. In each hand he clutched a kunai. But the thing that really struck him was the fact that someone had pinned the demon king against the wall with spears and disemboweled him.
“Father…” Diedrick whispered, his eyes wide and confused. He took a step forward but one of the demons, apparently not dead, jumped up, sword ready in hand. He swung it at the incubus, cutting a long gash on the boy’s side as he tried to dodge. Diedrick screamed in rage and pain, his eyes, like his father’s, bleeding red into white until there was no other color besides the pulsating crimson to be found in his gaze.
He shook uncontrollably, fangs bared, eyes glowing ominously in the darkness. He let out another cry and the bodies of the dead soldiers arose, attacking the one demon who survived. The creature cried in agony as he was torn apart.
Diedrick fell to his knees, drained of energy, as his eyes faded to a very dull red. The bodies fell around him, making him indistinguishable, just another blood-covered demon. But he didn’t want to pass out, didn’t want to lose consciousness. He knew there would be more after him. So he shakily got to his feet, trembling as he made his way to the wall panel that hid the escape route.
Slipping through, he made his way out into the wild, too stunned to think of anything much as he left the stone castle and walked into the woods. He kept walking, walking, walking, ignoring the injury that was taking too long to heal or the exhaustion that flooded his being. He didn’t care when he heard the sound of pursuers behind him.
Water was near, he could tell by the roaring that permeated the air. Unblinking, face blank, numb, he made his way to the river. Staring down into it, Diedrick saw his image reflected, bloody and almost unrecognizable. Then he fell, face forward, into the rushing water and lost consciousness.
Note: Yeah, part 1 is here. Next time I haven’t decided whether I’ll do interim period or just to where he meets Sevina. Either way, hope you enjoyed. Comments are appreciated and I do know it was rather bloody. Future installments won’t be.
Diedrick's story part 1
Something about one of my favorite RP characters. It's rough and needs work. Please give me some constructive criticism.
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