• You know I was asked today if I think vampires are better than werewolves. For the people who don't know me I think vampires are blood sucking fags and I LOVE WEREWOLVES. I told my friend, "Werewolves of course." Then out of nowhere she bit the living heck out of my arm. At first I thought that she had just lost it but I soon found out that I was wrong. When she let go of my arm finally, there was blood gushing from my arm like a river was flowing out of my arm. When the teacher saw the blood she started to freak out. I didnt want to get my friend in trouble so I told the teacher that I had scaped my arm on a peice of metal on my desk. She immedently sent me out to go see the nurse, who I hate because nurses remind me of needles. When I got to the wrecked nurses office she was shocked and immedently pulled out the awful rubbing alchol. She sat me down into a wooden chair and started to use the god awful alchol. As I winced she asked how this happened and I told her the same thing I told my teacher.
    The nurse thought the mark was so bad that she call the front desk and the principle gave me a ride home. When I got home I called my mom told her what happened, not telling her it was bite that caused me to gush blood all over the school, and then I told her that I was going to bed even though it was only 11:30. It was strange for I was so tired I had felt as if I hadn't slepted for weeks. I went to bed where I literally crushed on my bed.
    I went downstairs, after sleeping for what felt like a lifetime, to get something to eat and as soon as I stepted out of my room I smelled my mother's Meatloaf, my favorite meal that she makes. I ran downstairs and right away asked her what i could do to help. By the look of her face she was shocked to see me wanting to help. So she asked, "Would you set the table and got everyone to come to the dinner table?" I agreed to and dash off for her Meatloaf had just come out of the oven and i didn't want to wait.
    After dinner I tried to go back up to my room to sleep some more but my mom stoped me at took a look at my arm, which I had completely and uterly forgot about. She said that I should be fine, seeing how she's a doctor and all, but I would need to stay home for a few days to regain my strength. As soon as she said stay home an alarm went off in my head, for she had never let me stay home from school even when I had a mild case of the Flue. She let me go to my room and then I slept for a few more hours.