• Immortal Tears
    By:Malea Mandoki
    Chapter one
    “Alright students, have a great summer & do your best as high school students. Now get out of here.”Everyone jumped out of their seats in excitement as Rosett slowly slid out of her chair. She was in no hurry to start summer. She knew that while everyone would be spending time with friends, she would be all alone with no one to spend time with.
    She sighed as she walked out of the school doors, seeing all the students turn to stare at her. After she had passed some of the students started to whisper to each other, thinking she couldn’t hear them. Rosett was so used to it now that she just kept walking, acting like she couldn’t hear them only to hear what they were saying.
    Look at her, walking by without even glancing at us…such a snob is what one person said. Only a freak wouldn’t have any friends said another. Rosett looked up at the dark clouds and smiled, she loved the rain more than anything. She took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent of the summer air as she crossed the road & started walking behind a group of Jocks & their girlfriends. She made sure they couldn’t hear her trudge behind. But of course, halfway up the path, one of the girls dropped their cell phone behind them. When she turned around to grab it, she smiled evilly at Rosett.
    “Well if it isn’t Rosett. What are you following us now?”Another girl laughed.
    “No, only Trevor.”Everyone burst out laughing. Well, everyone but Trevor. He just turned away from everyone, trying to hide his blushing face from Rosett. Rosett got angry.
    “Why don’t you guys mind your own business for once?!” Everyone stopped laughing, Trevor turned to look at Rosett. There was silence for a moment as Trevor took a step towards her.
    “Does that mean,” everyone looked back at Trevor, “does that mean you Were following me?” Everyone, especially Rosett was surprised by Trevor’s question. The way he said it was a bit surprising as well. Like, he wanted Rosett to say yes. Rosett looked away from him.
    “No. I wasn’t following you Trevor. I don’t know why your friends even bother telling you things like that. But to tell you the truth,”Rosett turned towards the road,” I’m glad that I got to see you one last time Trevor, “Trevor blushed even more,”goodbie Trevor.”With that Rosett walked away without another word, leaving Trevor totally speechless on the sidewalk…
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    “So is this all you want?” The librarian asked sarcastically, looking at the 17 books Rosett grabbed. Rosett just nodded.
    “Yep, that’s all.”Rosett started putting all the books in her backpack when He walked through the door. He wore a tight black t-shirt under a long, black, leather jacket. His jeans had chains coming from every pocket. The only thing that seemed out of place was the heart shaped locket hanging from his buckled leather necklace.
    He walked past Rosett, saw the vampire book she put in her bag and smiled. Rosett glanced at him & quickly looked away when she saw him staring at her. He walked further into the library as Rosett slung her bag over her shoulder.
    “Goodnight mrs.Pen.”The librarian smiled.
    “Goodnight Rosett dear. Are you sure you don’t want a ride home? It can get pretty dangerous at night around here ya know.” Rosett nodded.
    “I’ll be fine on my own. See you soon Mrs.Pen.”Rosett waved goodbye as she walked out the door. She smiled at the now moonlit sky and took a deep breath of the rain soaked earth. She loved the night after it had rained. Now it was time for her to go home.
    For a while, Rosett just kept walking down the same sidewalk. She probably walked a quarter of a mile before she turned into a cemetery. Even though most people were creeped out by cemeteries, Rosett loved it there. It was the only place she could spend time with…
    “Hey mom, dad, bro.”Rosett said, kneeling in front of three black tombstones. “I’m so glad its summer. Now I get to visit you guys much more. Well, “she bowed, “goodnight.” Then she walked up the hill that was behind her families tombstones. At the very top, there was an iron gate, covered in roses & chains. This fence could only be opened by the silver key on Rosett’s bracelet. Soon after she unlocked the gate, she took the key out and the gate started to close. Rosett managed to slip through, smiling as she got closer to her home. To finally be away from all those kids at school made her happy in one way but gloomy in another. Happy because she didn’t have to be around people who would judge and lie about her. But depressed because she was going to be alone for so long. That’s the one thing Rosett hated more than anything. But she didn’t feel alone that night.
    “Whoever is out here with me, show yourself!” Rosett called out to the darkness. No one answered her, in fact it was silent other than the leafs on the trees rustling in the wind. Rosett sighed & kept walking until she heard a twig snap close by. Rosett stopped & listened for anymore signs of anyone following her…another twig snapped to the right of her. Rosett looked to her right & waited for someone to come out from the darkness, but no one did.
    “Look, if you trying to scare me then good luck, I don’t scare easily.” Just then red eyes glowed in the dark, looking at Rosett. Rosett stood the for a moment, looking into the demonic red eyes. “Thanks for showing yourself,” the eyes grew a bit wider, “now why don’t you come out & show me who you really are?”
    “How are you not afraid?” A boy’s voice asked as the eyes narrowed a bit. Rosett shook her head & started walking again.
    “I’ve seen scarier.” Rosett didn’t turn back as the red eyes disappeared into the dark. Rosett knew that most people would have been creeped out by a stranger (no less a stranger with red eyes) following them home but Rosett didn’t care. It’s happened to her before, runaway kids mostly, some homeless men and women, Rosett helped them all get back on their feet no matter what. Rosett couldn’t stand seeing people on the street.
    “Hey, who ever you are, if you need a place to stay or anything then you should tell me before I get in my house.” Rosett kept walking, waiting for the guy with red eyes to come out from the darkness & join her. She wasn’t surprised when he did eventually come out behind her.
    “My name is Alexander Night. It’s nice to finally meet you face to face, Rosett.” Rosett turned around to see none other than the boy she saw in the library. Rosett sighed.
    “So you followed me all the way from the library huh? That’s kind of a strange thing to do, following someone you don’t know at all to their home. Don’t you think?” Alexander smiled mischievously.
    “But I do know you Rosett. I’ve known you for a long time now. After all,” he vanished, causing Rosett to step back & bump into something, “we’re destined to be together.” Rosett gasped as Alexander wrapped his arms around her. She tried to push away from him but he just held onto tighter. “I’m not gonna let you go again Rosett. Your mine now,” he licked Rosett’s neck, “forever.” With that, Alexander licked his lips & smiled, revealing two sharp fangs that he plunged into Rosett’s neck. Rosett found that soon she couldn’t stand & became limp in Alexander’s arms. After a while Alexander swept Rosett into his arms & started walking towards Rosett’s house.
    “What are you,” Alexander stopped walking & looked down into Rosett’s eyes, surprised to see she was still awake after the bite he gave her, “what are you doing?” Alexander smiled.
    “I’m just walking you home…” he moved his face closer to Rosett’s, “I’ll see you when you wake up.” Rosett fainted just after he said that so she didn’t feel Alexander kiss her forehead. As Alexander carried Rosett to her house, he felt eyes on him. But that didn’t stop him, he just kept his eyes on Rosett, licking his lips from the taste of her skin. He thought about kissing her but his thoughts were interrupted by shouting from behind him.
    “What are you doing with Rosett?!?!” Alexander turned around to see Trevor standing there glaring at him. So he glared back.
    “Who the hell are you & how do you know Rosett?”
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