• London. About three in the morning, the harsh winds screamed as if in agony as they rushed through the deserted alleyway before dying away into silence.
    A tall, slim figure emerged from the shadows, shivering as the icy coldness of the air settled on her bare arms, and waited.

    She didn't have long until she heard soft footsteps behind her, then she raised her head as a low voice broke the silence.
    "So you came then Katara" She closed her eyes, and sighed as warm hands rested on her shoulders.
    "Kyson..." she murmured, he kissed the hollow of her pale neck and smiled faintly "Shh" he whispered.
    He pulled away from her and pulled a small, gold-handled knife from his shadowy robes and held it up, the silver blade shining in the darkness, and handed it to her, she looked up, a million unspoken questions in her strange amber eyes.
    "Its yours" he said simply, and held up a small bottle.
    "No..." she hissed "You can't just leave me here" He stared down, his blue eyes showing his pain "But I can't stay Katara, I must save Century and sacrificing myself is the only way I can do so"
    Katara closed her eyes, took a deep breath. "Okay" she whispered. Kyson nodded and held the bottle to his lips and drank the dark liquid.
    "Goodbye Katara, my dear sweet Katara I love you" He said, and dissapeared back into the shadows, leaving Katara fighting back tears as she stared at the knife, before she walked back to where she had come from...