Thank you for stumbling upon my humble profiley!
If you are in any way a vegetable, please leave this page.
Now that we've gotten rid of the unwanted, I can introduce myself.
*clears throat*
My name is Sarah. I live in California, I am Scottish.
biggrin Favorites:
Word: Fanks
Sound effect: *Snick*
Color: Pink
Writing Utensil: Crayon
Continent: Antarctica
Food: Cream Puffs (filled with real pastry cream, not that overwhipped heavy cream crap!)
I like winer sports like ice skating, sledding, skiing... all that good stuff.
I bake pastries...alot. in fact, i probably have about a year's worth of flour and butter in my kitchen at this very moment!
I knit things.
I have the ability to use a spinning wheel.
I enjoy wearing funny hats.
I know how to say "I don't want a blood transfusion" in Japanese.
I make realistic looking tiny pastries out of polymer clay.
I play the theremin, the glockenspiel, and the triangle in my school band.
The shampoo I use is "American Crew for Men"
My toenails are currently painted pink and blue zebra print. (My feet look like hussies. )
My name is Sarah and I am a RELIGION!
I sell art. Click to take a look.
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