Pawlas Cathena

Pawlas Cathena's avatar

Last Login: 07/02/2021 11:26 am

Registered: 07/14/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Hell

Occupation: Shitposting


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I'm just some abrasive, toxic, flawed, violent, corrupt, narcissistic, manipulative, monster who can't feel remorse and doesn't deserve any love or friendship. In other word I'm just some socially inept, overly emotional autistic guy that everyone hates and abuses while not allowed to react to said abuse because my very existence is a crime against humanity. I suffer from AIS, autism, bipolar 2, PTSD and social anxiety with the latter 3 due to the extensive abuse I've suffered from society.

My gender identity is male, gender expression is just idgaf and my pronouns are he/they. For orientation, I'm unironically fictosexual to any gender but mostly towards males because I hate real people so much that I don't want anything to do with them.

For political views, I don't even know where I'm at on the spectrum anymore. I gave up on trying to save the world because everyone attacked me for it so now I just want to destroy the world in retaliation.


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psychedelic cowgirl Report | 06/13/2022 9:28 pm
psychedelic cowgirl
cool avi
Wabutan Report | 10/14/2016 9:39 pm
Yeah, so it looks like Gaia glitched up on me because you, along with a TON of other people, had been wiped from my friend list and ignore list. AND it apparently decided to divorce us too.
Kuro Hime Hekate Report | 08/19/2016 7:00 pm
Kuro Hime Hekate
Your name is awesome (or should I say pawsome?)!
Wabutan Report | 02/20/2015 1:40 pm
*huggles* HUBBAND!
Also, ya like my Bonnie avi?
Westice Report | 10/09/2013 10:12 am
No! Don't quit! I like stalking you through the forums!
Manny80 Report | 09/23/2013 9:00 pm
I like to buy stuff from your store. I know some items I can vend them.
Wabutan Report | 09/08/2013 12:06 pm
Sorry about all the trouble yesterday. I.... I was a little drunk. sweatdrop
Westice Report | 07/12/2013 6:42 pm
heart heart heart heart
Westice Report | 07/12/2013 9:20 am
You rock! xp
Ness Roeqin Report | 06/20/2013 8:54 pm
Ness Roeqin
Even if I don't go on here anymore, I'm still gonna comment on your profile.


You should have listened
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"My anger will calm only when I am proven to be the true emperor!" -Urien
He/They | Angry Autist | Foodie


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