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Sapphire The Bloody

Bloody Sapphire's avatar

Last Login: 05/02/2023 10:42 am

Registered: 11/06/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Canada

Birthday: 12/04/1986

Occupation: Ice Princess


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Hey there! my name is Sapphire! aka Sapphy! (might change the spelling later, lol)
I am an old gaian! I have been here since 06'... grade 12. hahaha

I am a mother and a Fiance! <3

I am an artist! I love to draw cartoons! I have an instagram account and Deviant art where i upload my art too and even have a Redbubble account. lol
I mostly do digital art these days but I also dable in paint, marker, pencil crayons.. ect. AND I am learning how to sew again! =)

I also game! I have a ps4, switch and an ipad! hahaha.

feel free to message me on here. i will get back to you when I get online again. lol

umm yeah.. thats me! =) I am always happy, positive! try to cheer others up, always wanting to help! =D only swear when mad.. I am PG since I have a child. lol

My Awesome Music!!

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-l Zythe l- Report | 11/03/2024 1:03 am
-l Zythe l-
I really Miss This Account!! I wish gaia woud give me access to it again =(
STD Coated Slut Report | 10/06/2023 5:13 am
STD Coated Slut
xwanisx Report | 04/12/2023 9:40 am
Thanks for the purchase! 3nodding
EggBowL Report | 04/04/2023 5:25 pm
Tysm for your input/advice on my runway! yum_puddi
SkinScene Report | 04/03/2023 6:20 pm
hello heart
Opalescent Flame Report | 03/04/2017 5:26 pm
Opalescent Flame
Haha same. I'll be 26 this year.
Both of mine are in diapers and it's pretty rough, so I think that's a very wise decision Dx
Uh oh ): I'm sorry about that. Hopefully things get better soon!!
It's been pretty good so far! I've met some people cool people, only one not so great person lol.
But it's all good! Ahhh That's awesome. But yeah I've heard that from a few people.
Kinda wish I had seen Gaia in the past.
Opalescent Flame Report | 03/03/2017 11:40 pm
Opalescent Flame
Hi! xd
I read your profile!
You're the first person I've met on here with a kid so far!
I have 2 kiddos.
I'm fairly new to this site sooo
Nice to meet you!
iKraizy Report | 01/07/2015 10:49 pm
Yeah same razz Decided to come back but then next day just didnt really feel like it again xD

Happy New Year btw! biggrin And congratulation on your baby boy >w< Aww~
And awesome, new phone! XD

Nothing much really ^^ Still into games and I turned into a horror movie freak xD (but still not into gore o 3o) I prefer the creepy ones lol
iKraizy Report | 11/16/2014 11:15 pm
Hi hi biggrin
Decided to check out gaia again after a looooong hiatus and notice you were online recently xD

How have you been? whee
Ruki XXIII Report | 09/30/2014 11:21 am
Thank you! And nope, you got it right on the nose. 3nodding


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Leesh/Sapphire "Sapphy"
mother/mature gaian
Gaian of 2006
artist name [Art2Cute]


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