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BACK TO GAIA domokun heart

no one missed me ******** (・¬・)凸

Who give me anything from my wishlist will be loved forever heart And I'll do a avi art of him/her 3nodding

Any gold donator will be loved forever too 4laugh

Oh, yeah. You can talk to me ...
In English
Em Português
En Español*

para los que hablam el español, respondere en portugues, pois son languages que mui se parecem.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 4:23 pm

Fondling Endearment

rofl! Someone's not paying the electric bill!!
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 4:14 pm

Fondling Endearment


How tragic! That sucks!!!




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Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 4:05 pm

Fondling Endearment

I don't but I like their double chocolate chip stuff~!

It tastes like cake batter!
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 3:59 pm

Fondling Endearment


Why wouldn't I?
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 3:51 pm

Fondling Endearment

Hmm... All, I would think.

AND TRY ME!! >=3
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 3:45 pm

Fondling Endearment


*gets grumpy*

I'm going to have to protect you from yourself, aren't I?
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 3:43 pm

Fondling Endearment

I'll give you time--

Scratch that... I'll pause your time for you!!

I'll get my mule to bite you!!
Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/10/2008 3:41 pm

Fondling Endearment

Why do you keep dying on me?!

Fondling Endearment

Report | 09/08/2008 6:16 pm

Fondling Endearment

NUUUU!!!!! I won't allow you to do that to yourself!

I will protect you from yourself!!
Last Fire Dragon do Po

Report | 07/14/2008 8:46 pm

Last Fire Dragon do Po

ei ei, qnd tempo

e ai como vai???



I really want a Autumn Glory and a Assassin's Guise. Donations, anyone? domokun heart