
x-Jellyman-x's avatar

Last Login: 12/25/2022 5:12 pm

Registered: 02/24/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Australia


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Hello everyone my name is James, but you can call me Jelly ;3
I live in Sydney, Australia, I'm in University & I joined gaia in feb 2006.
On gaia I'm a big fan of zOMG, fashun <3, making avatars and tekteking ;D
You can pm or comment me if you want ;D

I can't think of anything else to say right now ;O;
so BYE ;3;


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Saffrons_Curse Report | 09/15/2014 7:50 pm
XD I'm finding I'm not terribly interested in them because they're either badly done or boring. UuU They haven't really scared me so far. o uoa
The ones that get the closest to it, though I seem to enjoy the most, like the Haunting in Connecticut movies [which aren't actually related to each other in any way besides the movie titles]. They obviously exaggerate things to a level that becomes unbelievable to be part of the "real story" they claim to be based on, BUT, they're still very good ghost movies. C:!! I like the 2nd one more than the first. UuU
ALSO Fright Night. I like both the original and the remake. 8Da <3
But yeah, I guess I'm also looking for the good ones and yeah. I've just been trying to see for myself whether or not I like them, so that I can know for myself and not go on someone else's word, ya know?

Awww man MST3K is SO awesome! They play really really bad movies, and then commentate on it, ripping on it all throughout sdklughklugbsdf it's so great! X'D <3333
Saffrons_Curse Report | 09/08/2014 9:53 am
heheh XD Nice, nice~

Awesome~~ 8D Yeah, man, money is money~ UuU <333 Kudos to ya
Ah~~ makes sense makes sense~~ C: Good on you for not forcing yourself to do something you aren't really finding an interest in. 3nodding

xD! It's got its perks, yes~~
Mostly horror movies. I've kind of wanted to see where my .. idk threshold for handling scary movies lies because I haven't really ever explored, so I've started watching more to figure out what I really find scary and what I don't. So far, what I seem to be figuring out, is that the cover/posters/trailers are more scary/intimidating than the actual movies. lol Also, I really like horror comedies a la Tucker and Dale vs Evil and stuff like that. XD!
I've also been watching a good amount of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 because nostalgia. X'D Hnng <3 Those guys are funnny sklabgfkdbgs
Saffrons_Curse Report | 09/07/2014 7:59 am
Hahah niice! XD You know, when I turned 21, I didn't really do anything special.. X'Da but then again, I'd been allowed to drink at home [on special occasions] prior to being 21 XDa

Awesome about the working and stuff~~ 8D Where are ya working/how do you like it? Curious, what made ya drop out? [don't feel bad about it or anything - I've never even been. sweatdrop ]

I've been pretty good~ Reading some books, doing some drawing, watching a lot of Netflix. kghbklg [/totesnotaloseryesIam]
Saffrons_Curse Report | 09/06/2014 11:46 am
It's been a while~~ 8D How've you been?
Saffrons_Curse Report | 09/01/2014 5:54 am
Eeeeeee Hi youuu~~ 8D heart
Faiyde Report | 05/02/2014 6:54 pm
Awesome biggrin

Faiyde Report | 05/02/2014 11:35 am
Uni, university?

Faiyde Report | 05/01/2014 11:51 am
Ohhhhh congratz! Bet you're excited.

Faiyde Report | 04/29/2014 10:16 pm
How old are you now Jelly?

mishroom Report | 04/21/2014 7:11 am


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