i luv anime!!and theese are my homies
Last Login: 12/22/2009 1:41 pm
Registered: 02/07/2006
Gender: Female
i luv anime!!
yes i have perscription contacts that are cat eyes
its absolutley ******** epic dear
meh best buddies
GOD:oh my its gone!!!! DEVIL: what the hell happened?? GOD: i dropped the sky.. DEVIL: oh shyat!!!!
my name is sarah well acctually i have other nick names too like waldo i love to freakin draw.. since day 1 i am also veeeery musical too i played violin for 8 or 9 years [still kinda do on and off] i play guitar too <3 and i taught myself piano all by ear <3 which is pretty ******** epic x] im NOT girly i hate girly things i hate pink an all tht other s**t... I HATE PREPPY PPL im my own person i dress in the clothes that i like skinny jeans and a cool shirt/ band t shirt something llike that i wear like converse every day i dont rly like flipflops unless im walkin to the beach or somthin... i am the age of 16.. yea.. im a very stoic person if u dont know what that means.. for one.. go look it up.. im not your mom... im somewhat have an ill like sarcasticness too me theres no such thing as normal theres just a such thing as being socially accseptible which i am i can get along with basicly anyone :] hmmmmm... music i like: rock emo punk screamo grindcore metal alternitive mainstream soft alternitive/like mellow stuff anything with a stringed instrument an drumss i really hate: rap and country.. it SUCKS i like poetry,, its pretty chill i am single like i rly need to type tht right? i have A.D.D. and yes.. i point out the stupid things in life.. not including butterflies... i have like dark blonde hair with black underneath x] its razored my mummeh did it xP shez amazing-realator/cosmotologist so is meh dad-retired pro surfer/optomotrist [sry i suck at spelling it..] and my lil bro.. yea um hes definetly the omen.. looks like him too... well anything else? jus msg mehh
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Chuck Norris is after you. (Oh S***! Not Again)
When life gives you lemons you make chocolate milk.