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lnorii Report | 04/28/2011 5:17 pm
hi friend was up cool
lnorii Report | 04/20/2011 7:57 pm
iiHerMuffin Report | 04/20/2011 7:17 pm
oh yeah it working now have u seen my drawings XD
iiHerMuffin Report | 04/20/2011 7:00 pm
fix what? and im doing great u
lnorii Report | 04/15/2011 3:01 am
hehehhehheeh xp
iiHerMuffin Report | 04/14/2011 6:36 pm
hey wutz up im trying to scan my drawing to but my printer isnt working :'c
lnorii Report | 04/14/2011 1:51 pm
hi friend was up
Anarchist Hawke Report | 04/08/2011 2:41 pm
Anarchist Hawke
not bad u
Anarchist Hawke Report | 04/08/2011 2:35 pm
Anarchist Hawke
lnorii Report | 03/12/2011 8:27 pm
good n u


iluall263's avatar

Birthday: 05/05

Dream Avi

Im Trying Not To Love You
Im Trying Not To Care
Im Trying Not To Live My Life Wishing You Were There
Im Trying Not To Wonder
Im Trying Not To Search
But Every Time I Think Of You It Keeps On Getting Worse
Im Trying Not To Waver
Im Trying Not To Cry
But When Everything Comes To This I Think I Want To Die
Im Trying Not To Fret
Im Trying Not To Rue
Im Trying Not To Say That I Fell In Love With You

Hey everyone!!.... Just so u guys can know a lil about me im gunna start of saying that don't be weird-ed out by me when we meet. Im a lil...more like a lot... but anyways im rlly weird and a lot of my friends are a lil embarrassed to be around me. I like anime, rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly like it. Im a total anime freak of .... DOOM!!!!!!!!! :p jks ;) but seriously i watch anime way to much, i wast my time watching it or reading it and sometimes writing one....tho they rn't that good. I also love drawing, drawing is so much fun and most of my pick are animated. My parents constantly nag me about being on the computer and how i should go out a hang with my friends, but of course they don't say "hang" (so not kewl enough to say that...actually it would be quite embarrassing for me if they were my parents) anyway :p my "parents" that u would normally think of, rn't the type of parents u think they r. U see they rn't rlly my parents at all. When i was lil about 4 or 5 my parents constantly fought and they blamed a lot of it on me. They got divorced an lived far way from each other. My mom would say often that if i was never born her life would have been so much better. Of course i was young and didn't know what that meant. She died when i was about 7 and i had to live with my dad. He wasn't rlly that nice but he wasn't terrible either. He remarried a young woman but then he died when i was 8. Now i live with my fathers second wife and her new husband. So thats a lil bit about my life ^.^ Oh!!! and one more thing!!! im always looking 4 friends so add me if u want!!!! ;p

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Item List:

Bretelles Demonique
Metal's Last Hope
Dullahan's Edge
Dark Jubilee
The Gravedigger
The Widow
Grave Danger Spectral Shroud
Gilt Thorns
Anesidora's Woe
Seraphic Bow
Jet Black Rose Cluster Hairpiece


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