
Hey everyone, I moved to the account "Madam Yuuki" this account is a mule now.


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Paris ls Burning Report | 05/24/2010 4:06 pm
Paris ls Burning
Don't get strung out by the way I look,
Don't judge a book by its cover.

Yes, I agree, it seemes that looks are valued more than intelligence and personality nowadays.
Such a pity.
And you're quite welcome. Incase I haven't made it obvious already, I care a lot about Kaname and I am happy to see him in a healthy relationship.
Take good care of him~

My day has been good, but tiring.
I just got off an eight hour shift at work and I only got two hours of sleep the night before.
If I weren't wired on caffeine, I probably would have passed out by now ^^;
Thank you for asking. How was your day, hun?

Oh, and you can reffer to me as either gender.
Male is preferred, but I answer to both because I'm usually not in drag and I'm actually very feminine looking.

I'm not much of a man by the light of day,
But by night I'm one hell of a lover.
Unholy Divinity Report | 05/22/2010 2:18 am
Unholy Divinity
Ah, but hold grievances no longer, dear!
I am quite certainly sure that the -ahem- tininess, let us say, that you happen to posses shall not slow me down any~
Perhaps, even, it's fun to try the other end of the spectrum, ja?

Haha, but playing football with an old lady? In a basement, to add?
And here I thought in which dreaming of you and I in my slumber was quite high upon the list of oddities, if not indecency and, also, pervertedness.
However, I believe being thrown through windows, and by the girl from the Grudge, no doubt, has topped it.
By far.

And I'm sure that, indeed, she would enjoy a stray from the usual monotonous.
Though.. a Peanut Butter and Jelly sammich sounds extremely well at the moment...
Anyways, then you must live in a fairly open area, as far as jobs happen to come along, at least.
As for where I reside, however, even the college majors cannot achieve a mere job at Mcdonalds, I'm afraid.

Mm, however, it is a shame that you have such responsibilities at the early age of sixteen.
Added, if it is your desire to give Alicia the best, then shall it become mine as well ^^
Though, as I am still quite green when it comes to protecting and not destroying, my aid will be, unfortunately, be of little.
At least, until I have successfully placed myself within her heart as someone she can trust, and then by her side.

Furthermore, I am as close to happy as the existence of a Demon shall let me to hear that you, my love, accepted my commitment to yourself.
And, of course, I shall not let you down, nor your sister.
Though, I still question your allowing me to take her hand, even if you do trust me with your own.
You wish to stray her from the darkness as much that in which is healthy, yet let myself, an entity of the same, get close all the while?
I sometimes question your logic, if not your trust, also.
For, well, you know it is one thing to take the risk with your life, but another with her's.

But enough seriousness and questionability of yourself for the moment, as I believe I heard of the word "party"?
Is this an event of alcohol, drugs, and sex, eh?
And, then, you have the poor thoughts not to invite me?
Disappointing. Just disappointing.
Goodbye Frans Report | 05/20/2010 9:00 pm
Goodbye Frans
I'm contemplating maybe around 15-30 more minutes?
Unholy Divinity Report | 05/19/2010 8:58 pm
Unholy Divinity
My OCD for breats is quite famous, and perhaps, one day, you shall come to appreciate such.
No hidden and underlined meaning intended~
Also, by the way, they are not ******** up dream(s).
They/it are very nice and give me something to think about through school so I do not end up murdering those ignorant beings.

And yes, quite the shame, indeed.
But, haha, you wish to apply for a job?
Good luck with this economy, dear.
Though, I do guess that having your own money is quite a nice comfort when you can, actually, find a decent position, ja?
I'm also glad to hear he's sweet enough to give you such a deal.
The anticipation to see your works of art is strong.

Yet, you dare criticize one of the smartest and most strategic men in history?
While, I do agree that not ALL Jews are of fault for many things, the Zionists certainly are.
And, after all, that was der Fuhrer's true desire; to rid his county of the ones whom destroyed it, while also gaining back what they had lost.
Plus, you know, Jews are filthy anyways, so, even if he got a bit carried away and killed not only the elite but also the kids and mothers, well, extra points for him.
But, such was also strategic. Killing the children of the parents (guilty or not), assures that those said children will not grow to be revenge oriented.
Bonuses for head shots and gas chambers, of course!

Haha, however, it's quite ironic, too.
While I, in some ways, idolize Hitler and also belong to the Nazi regimen, my ideal occupation is to serve the elite that he tried so hard to exterminate.
What shall be a better career than progressing world destruction, deaths of millions, and being one of the reapers for such?
I get goose bumps just by thinking about it~ <3

Though, enough psychopathic Demon for now, ja?
As it is, I am glad you have come to see my views upon your selfishness more accurately, even if not fully.
However, to prove you wrong once more, I did include the words of "for the most part" in my accusations.
Haha, but you know that I only seek your flaws and expose them to tease you~

Furthermore, and moving on, I, of course, do intend to put you to very, very, good use.
Shall I simply say, my realization of Theresa had finally hit home when I decided to stop fighting my feelings for you?
While I do not "believe" in promises, let us say, I will speak of my determination to keep you not by side, but now in my arms.
I appreciate your loyalty, and the pain I know you have incurred during my ignorance of late that led to me to chase after a rotten girl.
Now, I do hope that you shall permit me protect you not with the intent of merely keeping someone around for company, but instead, the emotions I have for you.
With that said, I also hope you will accept my proposal that you allow me to be your guide within the endless darkness,
Your lover to a heart that you believe lost, when in reality, I have kept it safely in the palms of my hands,
And also the man to serve for each and every of your desires, my dear Yuuki? ^^
x L a d y R e i x Report | 05/19/2010 8:44 pm
x L a d y R e i x

I'm glad you've completed your cosplay. I, however, have not purchased a pink wig for my second cosplay as an unemployed ninja named "Izuna."
Will you be cosplaying as Maya or Aji?
You unintentionally attracting me?
Not quite, but your looks captivate me.. like how Duke Orsino was attracted to Viola's masculine beauty in "Twelfth Night"~

You speak to your victims in trees? Are you comfortable, sweet vampire?
Would you suckle her blood with hatred and will?
It must be wonderful being a vampire & all.
I wonder how many car crashes and accidents you've caused because of your immune beauty..

Killer Bee.. the name rings a bell.. but the rest of my bells are hushed.
I think Naruto is much too long for me to follow.. so I will await the death of Naruto, and if I am still a little bit interested, I will watch the very last episode.

I wish you luck on your Orinkage cosplay, & expect a request from me.~
x L a d y R e i x Report | 05/19/2010 7:36 pm
x L a d y R e i x

Oh dear.. Yuuki-san, I do apologize for calling you "Kaname."
Ah.. I've been so stressed this week.. I don't know what's what anymore.
I think the word to describe my mood right now is.. discombobulated & flustered.
Unholy Divinity Report | 05/19/2010 12:14 am
Unholy Divinity
Mm.. I need to read over my comments better.
That contained far too much repetition of "ha's" and "haha's" alike..
Not to mention a few other words, as well.
Apologies, as my writing is a form of OCD with me ._."

Did Lady Rei just call you Kaname while drugged?
-Tries not to burst out laughing-
Unholy Divinity Report | 05/19/2010 12:05 am
Unholy Divinity
Indeed, that is correct, but muscle is a lot more firm, and so for that, has one to appear to weigh less, ja?
But hm.. poor, you say?
That is quite unfortunate as I was hoping, that possibly, we might be able to see each other eventually.
And, as you might know, travelling is not of the cheapest occupations, haha.
Added, my family is not of the wealthiest, either, which shall only make such a feat even harder to achieve, I am afraid.

And ooo~ Hitler~
He is, put quite simply, one of the few Humans in which I have respect for.
Eh... but I believe that I shall simply pass on shooting you, possibly killing you, even.
As it is, your life is far more than merely valuable to me, after all ^^

Furthermore, do not apologize, my dear Yuuki.
Few know me as much as you do, and so for that, you remain the rare to of gained experience of my "bad side".
Within the other's eyes, I am just a gentleman without faults, ha.
However, "a gentleman is simply a patient wolf", as Lady Rei quotes.

But, besides, you also love me, no?
As you see it, you cannot risk but so much before you enter a land mine that could possibly let me walk out of sight.
Even if, in all actuality, that is not the reality of the situation, but instead, just simply what is your head, hm?

Though, do you see of the selfishness that I once spoke of that you so whole heatedly denied, for the most part?
Rather than to give me the reality of the situation, you showed me a illusion of hope and optimism.
That, mind you, I never once believed, haha.
But I always love to prove people wrong, especially you~
Added, I do not condone you for such actions as I know, in your eyes, such was also done to, also, shield me ^^
Lol, but even that was not the case, it would make no difference, as such stirs little care within me.
I do not mind if your actions are nothing but selfish, for such selfishness will be one of the factors that let you survive in this world.
And, of course, within my own selfishness, as long as though your actions correspond to me in a positive way~
Haha, but basically, what you do now, in my opinion.
Yet, because we are different beings with different minds, you will always see such actions to selfless while I see them selfish.
However, in the end, they both are the same deeds ^^

Hm.. though, moving onto a less serious topic, how should I put this...?
Well, I shall simply say that you, myself, and a bed were involved.
As I am sure that such spells it out perfectly enough, ja?
x L a d y R e i x Report | 05/18/2010 9:25 pm
x L a d y R e i x

You are a wonderful cosplayer, my dear Kaname-san. I think you should try cross dressing.. it might be a challenge.. then again, it might not be.
Who knows?
Men adding to their chest... ^^ That sounds quite ridiculously attractive to me.

You're a vampire?? -softly snickers, and smiles-
You really glitter so?
Do you climb trees with your hands? ;o
Ah Sasuke-Uchiha.. I remember when I thought that he was the most handsome anime character in all the land~
That is.. until my eyes saw other anime men, & they drew my attention.
Your armor?
Must be nice, protecting yourself and all..
Anime is such a strange, entertaining thing..
Shall I add your other account?

I'm sorry for my lack of grammar and words.. I've taken some medicine that seems to be putting me into a daze.
I try so hard to stay up.. it's not quite working well.. (Oh lord, that sounds horrible.)
Thank you for recognizing me as a considerate individual.~
I appreciate your complements, as they are always welcome.
-graciously curtsies-
Unholy Divinity Report | 05/17/2010 9:35 pm
Unholy Divinity
Hm, yes, probably could.
I already do one hundred push ups each day..
However, I cannot speak of my food choices to be very wise in terms of healthiness, haha.

But eh, how did you manage to cut yourself while asleep in the first place?
I far understand that much can be done while in sleep, as I am not innocent, but to physically harm oneself?
And then not wake up?
You must be a heavy sleeper, or either some roofies were slipped into your drink, ja~?
However, I am glad to hear it's not too bad, even if the wounds are plentiful, it seems ^^"

But, to move on, I do appreciate not only your tolerance, but also understanding.
It does mean quite much, as few people truly have such traits that link to me ^^
Furthermore, yes, Theresa is, just simply, an obstacle.
An obstacle that has plagued my past few years, as to where I have been blinded and fooled by her illusions.
However, I am reaching of a point to where I am gaining back the sight of what is the "real and true" her, instead of what I saw for so long.

Ah, but to put seriousness aside for just a tad, you, of course, make quite very much interesting, indeed~
Especially the dream of which I dreamt of just yesterday, as well.
Though, I believe it not to be something that shall come to share with the minds~