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Hey there! It's moi, Monct3r. Or Sally. You choose. Neither are my real name. Let's get started on things you should know about me!
I am NOT shy.
Compliments will get you everywhere.
I have an opinion on absolutely everything. (Pro Choice, Anti Obama, Tom Cruise IS crazy)
I take pride in being polite. But i'm NOT a pushover.
I like to eat, is that such a crime?
I'm a little immature.
I am bicurious. I blame it on TV- like everybody else.
I actually am your average person.
I am french.
I stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
I can purr.
I am a pastafarian.
I aspire to work in the media.
I liek mudkips, but I would not ******** one.
I'm a semi vegetarian.
I'm outgoing.
Not gonna lie, I like to talk. Listen? Not so much.
I'm open minded.
Wanna tell me what to do? Our acquaintance will seize.
I'm honest and I'll tell you what's on my mind.
My life is a movie and there is a soundtrack only I can hear.
I love dinky cars and other child's things.
I like video games.
Comic books and a snugglee? That's what I call a perfect night.
I enjoy candles and bubble baths.
I'm a movie buff.
I'm a dork.
I live in my own world.
Want me to like you? Give me an energy drink.
Don't laugh at me.
I can be air headed, never stupid.
I'm NOT a slut, so don't expect me to be.
So if there is anything else you'd like to know, msg me. I dont bite smile
Drive home safe,****ite.


Name : Sally or Monst3r
D.O.B : July 20th 1993
Birthplace : NB, Canada
Current location : NB, Canada
Height : 4"11
Eye color : Hazel
Hair color : Brown
Right or left hand : Right
Zodiac sign : Cancer
Piercing : none sad
Single/in love/crush on : Single
Fear :death
Weakness : water
Best physical feature : my sexy.
Overused phrase on IM : "lulz"
Bedtime ; when i waaant
Most missed memory : Digimon,
Favorite color : yellow
Favorite food : raspberries, spaghetti and cheese
Favorite sports : teh horse riding
Favorite animal : Wolverines, cats, river otters etc.

I Am.. retarded
I Want... money
I Have... cooler friends than you
I Wish... to be happy
I Hate... egos
I Fear... death
I Search... for the lulz
I Wonder... if there's life after death
I Regret... the past
I Love... my cat
I Ache... for attention
I Always... laugh
I Usually... complain
I Am Not... a whore
I Dance... like i have tourettes
I Sing... all the time
I Never... eat string beans
I Rarely.... call.
I Cry... like a child.
I Am Not Always... mild tempered.
I Lose... control .
I'm Confused... a lot.
I Need... patience.
I Should... dye my hair
I'm Thinking... too much.

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