Dirk Dresner

Dirk Dresner's avatar

Birthday: 08/12


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A little about myself...

Hello, my name is Dirk Dresner.

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I am eighteen years old and enjoy many things including (but not limited to): Swing dancing, a good book, cute girls and boys, puppies and kittens, intellectual debates, detective dramas on television, and adventuring with friends downtown. My favorite colors are black and olive green.
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things that bother me are close-minded people, music-elitists and hipsters, people who can't make a point without swearing, the answer "Because.", and people who ask for advice because they don't get enough attention.
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I am a firm believer in living life according to your own principles and doing things for the right reasons. I frequent the Life Issues forum because I feel that I am doing a service to Gaians in my own way.
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Message me, I enjoy talking about nearly everything.

New Perspective (acoustic) - Panic! At the Disco


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aime-moi fort Report | 08/16/2011 1:42 pm
aime-moi fort
You want 10000000 gold then copy/paste this to 10 proifles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!! it really works!!!
Bensaiten Report | 06/14/2011 7:50 pm
Why thank you! :3
iChocolateRain Report | 06/12/2011 3:48 am
Hello I just wanted to thank you for the comment on my forum. Despite it being misplaced which I apologize for it still means a lot.
I've read your profile, and you seem awesome just wanted to share that thought. Thanks again, and keep doing what you're doing.
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/27/2009 4:17 am
A very good point indeed. and he is a charmer.

I'm kinda the same with the murder thing, i watch the atrocities on the news and don't blink. i'm starting to wonder if i have sociopathic tendancies
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/26/2009 4:30 am
GET OUT! biggrin

he does? that's awesome. don't worry, i'm just as terrible with the 'put the lotion in the basket' thing lol, so you can tell your parents you're not the only one who's insane. the end of hannibal with the brains makes me hoot with laughter as well. I worry about myself...
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/25/2009 3:55 am
that's pretty awesome, i'm a hoooooooooooooge fan of hannibal lecter smile mostly of his intellect.
my favourite is definitely red dragon, ralphe fiennes is an awesome actor (i probably spelt his name wrong razz )
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/25/2009 3:48 am
Ooh, sounds like i'll enjoy it biggrin

tis awesome to meet someone else who think Zack rocks, i thought he was brilliant biggrin I never knew they had plans to turn him into a hannibal-lecter type advisor. to be honest with you, i haven't bothered with most of the newest series
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/25/2009 3:39 am
Yeah, bones was awesome, emphasis on was, it's a shame when good shows lose their way.
you've inspired me to finally start watching psych- i SHALL get round to it biggrin sooner or later...
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/25/2009 3:20 am
Oh I love special victims unit, but not a lot of my friends can handle it.
It's nice to meet someone with proper grammar for a change, I must say smile
I haven't ever actually seen Psych, but I keep meaning to start watching it online. I like the mentalist.
insertmulesnamehereplease Report | 11/25/2009 3:08 am
I like you smile you seem very british, do you come from england too?
just curious, as i've yet to meet another english gaian.

what sort of detective dramas do you enjoy?



"For what purpose humanity is there
should not even concern us: why you
are there, that you should ask
yourself: and if you have no ready
answer, then set for yourself goals,
high and noble goals, and perish in
pursuit of them! I know of no better
life purpose than to perish in
attempting the great and the

-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche