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Last Login: 08/23/2024 12:53 pm

Occupation: dying inside

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hey all! I'm glad you're here

I haven't been on here in a long time so I updated my profile. I've changed
a lot since I first made my account ahaha! I was known as Jasper before but
you can call me Nova

I'm genderqueer so gender neutral terms (they / them) pls!

I'm an artist and writer and I like sci fi and fantasy, science, cats, dinosaurs, magic, and space stuff

some things that I like: my hero academia, pacific rim, ninja sex party, game grumps, and genshin impact!

thanks for visiting! have a wonderful day

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View All Comments

Ziro Officer Report | 03/14/2019 9:59 am
Thanks, novaesque!
Hope you're doing well
Dark Mistress Quinn Report | 11/27/2017 11:38 pm
Thank You For Buying smile Please Do Come Again heart

Dark heart
xXVVSOSVVXx Report | 11/27/2017 6:52 pm
No prob! Thanks for the item!
Katara daughter of Water Report | 11/22/2017 6:29 pm
Thank you so much.
icycatelf Report | 12/02/2012 8:09 am
Thanks for buying!
Ziro Officer Report | 09/05/2012 5:08 pm

I'd have to go with superhero.

- Ziro out.
Ziro Officer Report | 09/03/2012 11:46 am

Heh! They live in a funny reality.

- Ziro out.
Ziro Officer Report | 09/02/2012 2:20 pm

He parties so hard the night before, that he forgot to put the hair away. YuGi is his partying protege. Why else would YuGi be so sad at the end of the series when Atem left?
And it's just another one of those tings... Nobody asks him about that hair. NOBODY. Man, he got away with a huge one that time.

Kind of like Superman. When Clark leaves, Superman shows up, and when he leaves, all of a sudden, Clark is just back. No one ever catches that.

Maybe they all learned how to pull fast ones from Faceman.

- Ziro out.
Ziro Officer Report | 09/02/2012 2:11 pm

Yeah, his hair's fine. Just funny how he and the Pharaoh have the same hair style. You'd think the Pharaoh would be some serious guy (well, he is), with some "regular-looking" hair, haha.
He tries to act all serious with that determination and that stern, manly voice of his. He's just the biggest party animal there is. He does it when nobody's looking.

He's not foolin' anybody. rofl

- Ziro out.
Ziro Officer Report | 09/02/2012 1:36 pm

Yeah, it's one of the few Anime I like. YuGi and his "party hair".
I've played some of the video games, too.

- Ziro out.


x x


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