Art by kkoreo6!

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BigMouth12349's avatar

Last Login: 12/18/2011 1:54 pm

Registered: 03/09/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Heh heh... look behind you

Birthday: 04/19

My Music!!

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What you need to know

WARNING: Everything you are about to read is a complete lie, including this sentance.

dead or alive

NAME: BigMouth12349
AGE: Changes depending on the year
HEIGHT: ... short.
WEIGHT: We were afraid to ask her. Do you wanna ask a girl her weight? I didn't think so.
HAIR COLOR: Brown (whoever says it is black is normally found in several different dumpsters...)
EYE COLOR: Brown, but tends to look green at times...
WANTED FOR: Horrible crimes that we dare not name....


In case you didn't notice, I'm weird. Here's a few quick facts that the FBI didn't want to put....

1. I have absolutly NO LIFE WHATSOEVER!
2. I like to write. My writing is very disturbing and creepy... like MEEE!
3. I am legally insane... okay maybe not but I should be!
4. I have never, once in my life, sworn... unless I was threatening someone... or I was hurt... or angry... or oh nevermind.
6. I play piano... not very well, but I play.
8. I tend to repeat things.
9. I rp alot. Seriosly. If you have any rps you want me to join, pm me.
10. I tend to repeat things.
11. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a total Paramore freak... look at my playlist though! I'm also a Green Day and a Hush Sound freak!
12. I like to talk... ALOT~!
13. You also didn't notice that there was no number five.
14. My memory isn't very long. In fact... wait, what was I saying?
15. You're totally wasting your time reading this... and you didn't notice there was no number 7... loser.

*IMPORTANT* This background was made by kkoreo6. I give her full credit. Thanks, kk!!!*TNATROPMI*

OMG! Fish!!

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Holy Crap! I actually started a journal!

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Tales From My Messed Up Head

This is pretty much just gonna be a bunch of random, short scary stories... what I do best!

stuff people say...

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FriedTaku-yaki Report | 02/07/2012 8:03 pm

You remember me? whee
kkoreo6 Report | 04/11/2011 6:48 pm
kkoreo6 Report | 03/22/2011 5:04 pm
lol~ Mkay~
kkoreo6 Report | 03/22/2011 4:49 pm
Told you~
And the thing I love about the dubbed...
They're all so stereotypical it's hilarious, lol!
kkoreo6 Report | 03/21/2011 6:52 pm
Here's that cute song I mentioned in Creative Writing today~
Poor England! DX (and I'm pretty sure that's him singing it...)
kkoreo6 Report | 03/08/2011 2:30 pm
OMG! I found a great idea for our comic!
kkoreo6 Report | 03/06/2011 5:02 pm
Okay, so I think we should so something like in the second part when he goes "Italia-chan, Italia-chan, ITALIA-CHAN~!"
we should have our things, with you and the twins, and me with my sexy samurai~
kkoreo6 Report | 03/05/2011 1:33 pm
I figured you would be amused by This...
kkoreo6 Report | 02/02/2011 6:04 pm
. . .
I... I ave no comment...
lala2013 Report | 01/27/2011 1:41 pm
what do you mean????????????


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