The Girl. Hope. Luffs= Anime.Manga.Random.Studying.Bleh.Cheese.Weird.Snowglobes.Computers.Different.Getting to the Point.Sugar.Dislikes= Liers.Creeps.Fakers.Meanies.Dilly-Dallying. She can get hyper really easily.Even on small amounts of sugar.{%u2665} A Computer-holic, she's on, even when you're not... Resides in the most freezing place ever, though has yet to be cold to people. Thrives on frienship, hates lonely. Extremely loyal. Mistakes, by her and you, are allowed. Depends how deep though. Oh, and she loves bears. Luffs cute bear plushies to death. And bun-bun plushies. Hint-hint. The day she graced the world with her presence: November 30. Remember that.
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ ZOMG, The cutest kitty in ze world!!! XD
`•.¸.• Hope
☆Name: Chiyako
★Age: You shall never know...It WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER!!! XD
☆Gender: Female
★Status: Happily single; A.K.A I ain't lookin for anybody...^^
♥~ו˚×♥×˚•°×♥×°• ˚×♥×˚•°×•˚×♥×˚ •°♥~ו˚
.♥.█ 10% Smart
.♥.██ 20% Lazy
.♥.███ 30% Epic Fun
.♥.████ 40% Energetic
.♥.█████ 50% Wild
.♥.██████ 60% Crazy
.♥.███████ 70% Friend
.♥.████████ 80% Daydreamer
.♥.█████████ 90% Happy
.♥.██████████ 100% Weird, Awesome ME!!! (^0^)
♥~ו˚×♥×˚•°×♥×°• ˚×♥×˚•°×•˚×♥×˚ •°♥~ו˚
-------------"♥Girls---------- -------------
-----------are like apples-----------------
-------on trees. The best ones-------------
-----are at the top of the tree.-----------
---The boys dont want to reach-------------
--for the good ones because they-----------
-r afraid of falling and getting hurt.-----
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-------
from the ground that arent as good,--------
but easy. So the apples up top think-------
something wrong w/ them when in------------
-reality they're amazing. They just--------
---have to wait for the right boy to-------
---- come along, the one who's-------------
----------- brave enough to----------------
---------------climb all-------------------
---------------the way---------------------
--------------to the top-------------------
-------------of the tree.♥"------------------
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, ....` | /|., |Y.., ...........
... '-...'-._....||/ ..............
........ >_.-`Y| ...............
............. , _|| ..............
............... ..|| ..............
................. || ..............
................. || ..............
................. |/ ..............
Heh, I found this one funny:
You Say Pink
I Say Black
You Say Paris Hilton
I Say She's Dumb
You Say Zac Efron
I Say Sasuke Uchiha
You Say Techno-pop
I Say HUH?
You Say I'm Weird
I Say I'm Different
You Say Anime Sucks
♥~ו˚×♥×˚•°×♥×°• ˚×♥×˚•°×•˚×♥×˚ •°♥~ו˚
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