
OK...so...uhm....hmmm about me? I'm pretty much a dork XD...I love anything cute and cuddly and sparkly lol...I love to draw...and I love cooking n,n. I'm from Germany and...yes I speak German XD. I am a sucky speller...and I know it...XP...ohhh I like video games O.o...yeeeahhh lol...uhm...what else... oh Sailor moon is my all time fav show ever!!!!!!!!!! I love disney movies....pretty much all cartoons in general...cute things...BUNNIES....ohhh and ICE CREAM!!!! LOL XD


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


Mica's Spiffy Thoughts

n_n What I think!

well...hmmm...this is where I get to say everything I'm thinking about n_n YAY! Go me!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/15/2024 1:38 pm


Thanks for the buy.
nippIe clamps

Report | 04/16/2020 6:30 am

nippIe clamps

hi! thank you for purchasing whee please come again x

Report | 11/07/2014 2:31 pm


Thanks for buying blaugh blaugh
II Ayumi99 II

Report | 11/02/2014 3:31 am

II Ayumi99 II

Thankyou miss for purchase whee heart
River Song PhD

Report | 06/27/2014 11:23 am

River Song PhD

Ah yes. Now I remember sweatdrop
River Song PhD

Report | 06/23/2014 10:14 pm

River Song PhD

Got him on speed dial. Now... where did I put my hallucinogenic lipstick?
River Song PhD

Report | 06/08/2014 11:54 am

River Song PhD

Hello Sweetie....

Is it just me, or are the announcements just getting out of hand. Seems like there's ten an hour!
Mike Riovanes

Report | 01/29/2013 2:44 pm

Mike Riovanes

biggrin evening!
Mike Riovanes

Report | 12/26/2012 1:20 pm

Mike Riovanes


Report | 11/19/2012 6:50 pm


I am hurt by your accidental deleting! D: LoL


[img:f2e01aabeb]http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a298/Mica87/animated gif/smpix.gif[/img:f2e01aabeb]
Entscheidend ist nicht wie alt wir werden, sondern ob wir reif werden fur die Ewigkeit![/color:f2e01aabeb] [/align:f2e01aabeb]