Viewing Deaths_Only_Wish's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


To all the viewers of my profile: If I find out that you're hating, discriminating, or otherwise making "fun" of my profile or anything else I'm about to put in here.....I will hunt you down and kill you! That's not a threat's a solemn promise that I will carry out.

Let me get just one thing straight: If I find out that I've been hacked, I will personally demolish you and your computer! Do you get the ******** picture? Good. Proceed onward.

On to the main reason for the "About Me" section. The stuff you've all been waiting for.
Let's see here....I'm a 16 year old guy, who happens to live in the crappiest city known as Pensacola, Florida. I'm Bisexual, and I do have friends that will hurt you if you say anything bad or mean about me.
Umm.....I'm emo, even though you probably couldn't tell, and I have an evil steak.
Wait--did I just say "steak"? I meant "streak".
Anywho....I'm 6' and I weigh roughly around 210.
I know....I'm a fat a**. *curls up in bed and crys*
My love life is okay.....and yet it sucks at the same time. Why? PM me and I might just tell you.
I have very creative writing abilities that come in handy during the long, boring hours of--here comes the dreaded word--school. *screams in terror*
I enjoy being Evil, and taking over the world. I'm a person that loves to argue and will win one way or another. If you don't like it, then shut the hell up!!
Sarendaine, Atama Muhonnin, Amaya Hitomi, Prince NEO the antichrist, DragonxPoison, Deathbringerofshadows, bynxybaby1 and Tobi_baby20 are my buddies. If you mess with them, you're going to feel the wrath of pure evilness and pure emoness with my nine inch nails!!!!!!!!

Well, that's all for now. Updates might come, so don't count on it.
See ya! ^^

Also, much love to: Better Than KoolAid, DragonxPoison, and Tobi_baby20

These are a few of my best poems.

In the Absence of Light,
There is Darkness.
In the Absence of Life,
There is Death.
In the Absence of You,
There is Me.

Hope...Ruin of all Civilizations,
Doomed and Cursed for all Eternity.
Shrouded in Darkness and Corrupted by Chaos.
Wrath takes its toll on all,
Followed by Omega and Thanatos.
Hypnos, Brother to Death, comes to lay his Spell upon the World,
While Nyx pulls her Blanket of Stars, after Apollos Chariot, to cover the Sky.

The times goes by,
Slower than before;
Feeling the sting of the needle in your heart.

Ever-flowing like a river,
The pain comes forth...spilling the bowl with your emotions,
Tormented and hurt in the worst way imaginable.

Mentally you try,
To cope with the heartache,
Wishing for it all to go away;
It never goes away....even when you find someone new to love.

In this world....there are people you care about,
And then people you love.

When the people you care about die, or betray you....
you feel remorse, and regret
That you couldn't do something better for them.
You cry, and forget,
Hoping to never bring it back up in a conversation.

When someone you love betrays your very purpose
And breaks your heart....
It is a pain that is hard to live with,
And it always comes back.

The ache in your heart,
And the thin silk fabric in your mind is severed...
Leaving pain,
And those fatal times you cry.

Toyed with your emotions, they do....
the ones you love....
And cause you misery they did....
The ones you love.
Hard to forgive, hard to forget....
And impossible to never speak of it again.

People will always be mean and hateful....
Whether that's their way of showing affection,
Or being an a*****e....
It is all inevitable....
When given time.

Love can find a way,
Rather it be shrouded in Death,
Or by the Truth of ones Heart.

In Death lies the way of eternal happiness,
And Love.
Burying its way deep into the Lovers Soul.

The Heart,
A gateway to compassion and Hate;
Being the ultimate tome for Love.

I walk in the Night,
Bathing in the Sovereign light of Artemis,
And reminiscing about past thoughts.

I think about my special Love,
Hoping he's alright;
Hoping he'll say he loves me one last time.

I'm not what I used to be,
Thinking and Conjuring;
He's the only one I care about,
And the only one I need.

The Shadows surround us,
Keeping the forces of Light,
And Retribution at Bay.

Nothing feeds the Shadows better,
Than the Darkness, Anger
And Hate in our Hearts.

Thriving in the Darkness,
Living in the Minds,
And Eyes of Man.

In the ice-blue sky,
Shapes can be seen
From the cliff-side;
Ominous shapes,
Of Misfortune and Misguided Hopes.

Soaring downwards,
Upon the rocky outcrop
Of the cliff-side,
Falls the exposed body,
Of the one who,
Unlike many others,
Witnessed it all from the Beginning.

The Good In Me

User Image
Total Value: 17,500,832 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Classilke 3rd Gen.
White Skinny Jeans
Staff of the Angels
Archangel's Blade
Dark Elf's Aura
Angelic Wind
Angelic Lace
Angelic Lace
Inari's Beads
Angelic Sash
Angelic Lace
Angelic Bracelet

The Darkness In Me

User Image
Total Value: 1,143,575 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Alruna's Rose 3rd Gen
Damascus Armor
Damascus Armor
Demonic Pendant
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets

The Fire In Me

User Image
Total Value: 11,352,741 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Warmth of Apollo
Warmth of Apollo
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.
Lightning Lash
Infernal Spirit
Whip of Fire
Infernal Spirit 2nd Gen
Infernal Spirit 10th Gen
Infernal Spirit 10th Gen

The Earth In Me

User Image
Total Value: 96,248 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Spartan Sandals
Earth Wool Trouser
Earth Punctured Plaid Button-up
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Guardian Mask
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets
Stone Gauntlets

The Water/Ice In Me

User Image
Total Value: 297,838 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Elemental Spirits
Whip of Ice
Uncanny Form
Raptor Ice Tail
Ice Tiara
Ice Tiara
Ice Tiara
Ice Tiara
Ice Tiara
Water Trident
Water Trident
Blu Water Bands

The Wind In Me

User Image
Total Value: 5,056,843 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Gogh Reed
Uncanny Form
Elemental Spirits
Elemental Hair
Elemental Wings
Angelic Wind

The Good Warrior In Me

User Image
Total Value: 260,362 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Frostbite Blade
Frostbite Blade
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor

The Bad Warrior In Me

User Image
Total Value: 802,340 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Diapered Egg
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.
Lightning Lash
Lightning Lash
Lightning Lash
Lightning Lash
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Damascus Armor
Damascus Armor
Damascus Armor
Damascus Armor
Damascus Armor


Viewing 12 of 41 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

DJ Nickii

Report | 11/19/2009 3:00 pm

DJ Nickii

DJ Nickii

Report | 11/19/2009 5:22 am

DJ Nickii

=_= Guardian Angel Loki, AKA Nick hentz on myspace. AKA DJ Nickii
DJ Nickii

Report | 11/12/2009 10:02 pm

DJ Nickii

yes, yes you do. I'm on your yahoo, we used to roleplay, I wear glasses, am born on christmas, etc...any ring a bell?
Atama Muhonnin

Report | 10/10/2009 6:56 am

Atama Muhonnin

Sup dude...How ya been doin lately?
I am Goshujin-sama

Report | 09/26/2009 11:52 pm

I am Goshujin-sama

never mind.
I am Goshujin-sama

Report | 09/26/2009 11:47 pm

I am Goshujin-sama

okay! do you do that?
I am Goshujin-sama

Report | 09/26/2009 11:25 pm

I am Goshujin-sama

you've got Yuuki as your background...nice<3 i've gotz some yaoi on my profile to if you wanna take a look.Oh, mr.god, i would like to play a roll in forget menot plz. i already posted my character profile.

Report | 09/03/2009 5:39 am


......yes she has access to my account but im on now bah humbug
did u hear she got hacked again? and i mean poison

Report | 09/02/2009 9:58 am


are you for real? you forgot me already?

Report | 08/30/2009 3:04 am


thats good ^^ i misses you alots XD so what has been new?

