Viewing Somethin _Surreal's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey everyone. I am 15. All I want from life is to be able to fall in love with someone who will love me back. I have all ready accepted that this may never happen though and I'm relatively OK with that. (that doesn't mean I still don't hope) I believe that everyone has their other half, their soul mate; whether it's in the same town as you or across the world there is someone out there for everyone. I also believe that everyone is on this world with a purpose and that we are not allowed to leave until that purpose is finished. I came to Gaia for friends and to meet some really cool people, and that's what I'm getting. I only wish I could meet my other half.
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I adopted a fox!
Name: Alisa (a-lEEs-a)
Age: 3 months
Likes: Having fun (as long as it doesn't get her in trouble!)
Dislikes: Getting in trouble
Owner: Somethin_Surreal
Get one now!

A White man once said,''Colored people are not allowed here.'' The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: ''Listen sir... when I was born I was BLACK' ''When I grew up I was BLACK,'' ''When im sick I'm BLACK'', ''When i go in the sun im BLACK'', ''When I'm cold I'm BLACK'', ''When I die I'll be BLACK'', ''But you sir.'' ''When you're born you're PINK'', ''When you grow up you're WHITE'', ''When you're sick you're GREEN'', ''When you go in the sun you turn RED'', ''When you're cold you turn BLUE'', ''And when you die you turn PURPLE'', ''And you have the nerve to call me colored?' The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away. Put this on your page if you HATE racism


Viewing 12 of 22 friends


Viewing 10 of 11 comments.

Daniella Azoth

Report | 02/17/2009 6:49 pm

Daniella Azoth

Yeah, sure. But it would be easier if you sent me a PM rather than posting comments on my pro.
Daniella Azoth

Report | 12/11/2008 6:22 pm

Daniella Azoth
Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/25/2008 5:27 pm

Daniella Azoth

It looks very nice.
Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/11/2008 3:26 pm

Daniella Azoth

Okay, see you. ^^
Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/11/2008 3:20 pm

Daniella Azoth


I have math homework. Africa Map and Epd.
Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/11/2008 3:15 pm

Daniella Azoth

Oh, that thingy. I am way behind on it. DX
Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/11/2008 3:13 pm

Daniella Azoth

Daniella Azoth

Report | 11/11/2008 3:11 pm

Daniella Azoth

Not much. Just kind of sitting around.

Report | 08/31/2008 7:53 pm


Yo!! you said u didn't go on gaia. tanks 4 comenting on my profile!! c u in skool. l8er!!

Report | 07/16/2008 1:05 pm


This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.


User Image
I adopted a fox!
Name: Alisa (a-lEEs-a)
Age: 3 months
Likes: Having fun (that doesn't get her in trouble)
Dislikes: Getting in trouble!
Owner: Somethin_Sureal
Get one now!