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WiggleCreature's avatar

Last Login: 11/29/2016 3:10 pm

Registered: 01/18/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/04/1993

Occupation: Cashier/Greeter


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I'm a college student who is not only terribly busy, but horridly bored.
It takes up loads of my time!

I panic. I'm melodramatic.
Chances are I'll like you. I do my best to!
I play League of Legends,
World of Warcraft,
and Magic: the Gathering.
I love sweets.
I'm a Role-Player,
a lover, a fighter,
a calm kid, an anxious mess,
a good listener, a better rambler,
never 100% sure,
and a walking contradiction.


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Stuff that People have Given Kathy

This is a place for my giftart, and I started it all because of Kodii Props to her!


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iSmashFace Report | 07/03/2012 10:37 am
Hi there. I saw your rp thread and league of legends. Alas I dont have a computer at the moment, but you said youd take anything at this point, so I was hoping youd like to rp over AIM. Only reason I didnt pm you instead was because the pm system for the app is terrible and odds are it wont get through. Anyways, if youre interested, just shoot a comment back and Ill give you my info.
Darius D -deceased- Report | 01/25/2012 7:12 pm

Just let me know if you ever see something you like and we could focus our efforts on collecting ingredients for it. The only thing I really made this past month was the Rainbow Lollipop. I didn't even get experience for it!


A friend of mine told me afterwords that you only get experience for completing formulas your level or one level lower. Rainbow Lollipop was LVL. 1! N-E-WAYZ I have like 2 formulas at LVL 2 so I'll slowly start toward collecting things to make them. OH YEAH! I got the following formula from the Alchemist's Case.

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So high... x_X I'll get there one day.
Darius D -deceased- Report | 01/24/2012 9:12 pm
Alchemist's Case!


Is there any formula you have an eye on? I'm currently in Lv. 3
Darius D -deceased- Report | 11/21/2011 7:18 pm
Field Alchemist Darius D. reporting in!

I was looking at the some of the recipes you sent. I'm already 90% toward completing the Golden Giftbox formula. Here are the following ingredients I'm missing to complete it.:
10 Pancakes
10 Grade A Fish Bait
10 Black Bubble-eye Goldfish
10 Yellow Guppy
9 Pink Flamingo Feather
3 Wing Tree Leaf
92 Old Crumpled newspaper

I can can gather the fish and zOMG! items since I like to fish and play zOMG! often anywayz but I could use some help gathering the Old Crumpled newspaper from towns.
Ephrin Report | 08/10/2011 1:56 am
I know! I think some DO get a little out of hand like when he's describing different types of flowers and stuff but other than that so far the books have been amazing. Thanks for talking about it with me ahaha >.>'' Just not many people seem to know about them ><
Ephrin Report | 08/10/2011 1:22 am
Its just soooo slooooow. im a little over half way. Im hoping it picks up when they get to the good magician's castle but it seems like by that time the book'll be about over. I think the last part I read was they traded companions and Cyrus found the mermaid of his dreams and they left. then it was just Nada and Kim. (and bubbles ^_^).
Ephrin Report | 08/10/2011 1:16 am
Ah, yeah im in the process of buying them. I'm stuck on Demons don't Dream and its just not grasping me like the others did. I'm looking forward to heading Harpy Thyme though ^_^
Ephrin Report | 08/09/2011 1:50 pm
So you've read his entire series (there's about 30 ish out right now)? If you did that's amazing!
Ephrin Report | 08/07/2011 5:15 am
Knoxontholos Report | 11/22/2010 2:37 pm


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