Vladimir the Nerdy

Vladimir the Nerdy's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Canada.... usually

Occupation: starving manga artist


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Hello all. I'm Vladimir (yes, my real name) trying to make a new home for himself on this account.
For anyone who is perplexed at the change or my signature, this was formerly me girlfriends' account, that was turned into an unused mule when she left Gaia, that I have now morphed to be my new account.

So, actually about me: in case you can't tell from my username, I are uber-nerd. Otherwise, um... I'm 17, in grade 12 (although only one grade 12 course right now.... sweatdrop ), and currently attempting to become a manga artist. If you must know a summary of my personality (and are too lazy to talk to me) I am essentially your stereotypical nerd with a few random and evil tendencies.
My current plans in life include getting a decent paying job, keeping my nice relationship and getting stuff published. And, if all else fails (or I get really bored when I'm older), I plan to take over the world. I actually have a little notebook I've been filling with ideas, so if you've got any kicking around but little to no intention of useing them, PM me! I'm always looking for new and creative ideas.

-Video Games (Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, ect)
-Manga(reading and writing)
-Avoiding school work
-Katana's and other such weaponry

*Hates* (a dislikes list would be too long)
-Idiots who think they're smart
-People who just insult you because they feel like it

Oh, there is one more thing for me to mention...
To all people living in North America, I am trying to start a Manga magazine and publishing company. If you are interested, please feel free to talk to me ^^

Mario Paint Composer - WATCH THE INSANITY!!


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Storage space

This is where I shove the junk I can't find a place for. Dream avis...rant's and junk... just, bleh.


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Precious_Hazel Report | 02/23/2009 9:07 am
Hey lol its ok I understand that computers sometimes can really be a problem. At least your replying to my responses some times I send some messages to people and I never hear from them again sad its kinda sad. How have you been any ways? Me, been so busy with school as always and just lacking sleep but its ok~! ^_^ gotta always keep a positive attitude. My birthdays coming up and I don't want it to come lol March 11 eeeeewww... >_<
Precious_Hazel Report | 02/19/2009 8:35 pm
hey i remember you i know its been a long time since we talked how have you been and whatcha been up to lol college has really gotten to me sad but i hope to hear from you soon to see how your doing.
Lady Feliciity Report | 02/16/2009 9:20 am
Lady Feliciity
Good luck on re building what u have lost !! biggrin
Sanbantai Ichimaru Gin Report | 02/16/2009 8:41 am
Sanbantai Ichimaru Gin
Thanks fer buyin'.
TakashiYasu Report | 02/15/2009 6:00 pm
e x m o t i o n a l Report | 02/13/2009 4:28 am
e x m o t i o n a l
oh i know, it does that to me too. smile
TakashiYasu Report | 02/12/2009 3:11 pm
Hey Vlad, how's everything going in your hunt for justice and vengance?
e x m o t i o n a l Report | 02/10/2009 3:22 am
e x m o t i o n a l
it's alright. for a minute i thought you sold it, and i was a very unhappy bunny.
but it's okie, i'm glad you didn't.
i hope you can get it back soon!
MarielaSkye Report | 02/06/2009 1:01 pm
Hey Vlad, how's everything comming so far?
e x m o t i o n a l Report | 02/06/2009 4:06 am
e x m o t i o n a l
oic. katana got stoled?
still snuffles.
stoopid pplz.


Formerly Vladimir_Ladislous. On February 5th, 2009, my account was stolen and I lost an amount totalling roughly 1 million gold.
Any donations to help me rebuild my shattered account and ego will be forever loved. (Or, you know, a kind word or two ^^)

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Turn your face away from the garish light of day, Turn your thought away from cold unfeeling light...

Vlad and Adi <3