hey! this is me, and i believe i can be myself, cuz thats who i am. so bleh. you should visit my myspace and friend me [its private] to read more cuz im too lazy to type it all again. my name is skye personhttp://www.myspace.com/skye_is_oreo
loves hates, hugs and kisses, hearts and squares
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look at all the little people!!!
i cry tears of blood i weep rivers of death i seem to be drowning in this flood i seem to have lost my breath as i slowly drift away a hand reaches out to me my head seems to sway the hand is all i see but it pulls back i am swept away witht he flood my sight goes black i am drowning in my tears my tears of blood
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its not tht fun 2 take kare of bbys
wats up
go herez if u canz