It's been years since I came to Gaia... I though this guy was dead. Good to see it's still up. Well, let's see what happens next
JLbass · Sun Dec 31, 2006 @ 06:27am · 1 Comments |
My char sheet for the Mage Guild(working on the story) |
Name: Jack Carrigan Player: JLbass Tradition: Orphan by now Concept: Student
PHYSICAL Strenght 00 Dexterity 0000 Stamina 00 SOCIAL Charisma 00 Manipulation 000 Appearance 0 MENTAL Perception 000 Intelligence 000 Wits 0000
- ABILITIES - TALENTS Alertness 0 Awareness 0 Brawl 00 Dodge 0 Intimidation 0 Streetwise 000 Subterfuge 00 SKILLS Drive 0 Melee 0 Stealth 0 Survival 0 Technology 00 KNOWLEDGES Academics 00 Computer 000 Enigmas 0 Investigation 0 Linguistics 000 Medicine 0 Occult 00 Science 00
Correspondence 0 Entropy 0 Matter 0 Forces 0 Mind 0 Time 0
BACKGROUNDS Dream 00 Library 000 Resources 0
- STORY - Jack Carrigan was born 19 years ago in the small town of (random-town), he was the only son of a middle-class family that used to run one of the oldest bookstores in town. Partly because of this, and also because of his nature, he used to spent his afternoons hidden between bookshelves reading something. His family encoraged their's son willingness to learn and they had a happy life, even when bussiness started to go bad. The library, although it was one of the oldest, began to have economical difficulties due to the competence of modern libraries and also, because of th elack of interest of the pulic. One night, when he was 13, some men dressed in black broke into he house and attacked his parents. He watchedthem murdering their parents and so he hid in the attic. The men started a fire and left the house to burn. Jack was trapped. He managed to open the window and tried to jump to a tree, but the branch he managed to grab broke and he fell. The branches scratche dhis body and as he fell he ended uncounscious. A strange dream where he fled near the sun, just as Icarus rising up in the skies was the onl thing that happened in his mind until he awoke. He had lost an eye, and his family. The father of his mother was his only relative, and as gesture of respect to his so-in-law, Jack and his granfather tried to reopen the lbrary, but soon they decided to close it. 2 years after his parents' murder, his grandfather died... He was left alone, his only company were his books. He lived alone in the old library. He started going out more, knowing the streets. HE was never friendly, so he had some troubles with local gangs. He managed to survive quite good. With the habit of never trusting anyone and never letting someone to get too close, he managed to larn a lot from the streets without putting himself in troubles. Theorical knowledge fom books was very useful andhe put all that knowledge in practice.
After he finished Jr. High school, he decided to change that ath and became a god student while in High School, he realized that he needed a scholarship in order to be able of paying college.
Finnally, he got the scholarship and decided to sell the building of the library. He carried ALL the books in boxes and moved to a small department in the city where the university was. Now, only with the money he earned from the selling of the library, and tons of books filling his small apartment, he decided to get a job before school started but suddenly it happened. Something strange happened to his mind.
Not knowing if it were the pressure of getting a job while studying, or the final maturity of his mind, suddenl the world looks bigger, and he has the key to the strings that move it. Everything feels easier but at the same way, haunting. Along with this "enlihtment", strange visions have apeared, and smetimes he feel as if he could see things that nobody else sees.
Scared, he fears that he is trning schizophrenic, he shares some symptoms, particularly the fact that he has seen images that noone else can...
JLbass · Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 05:06am · 2 Comments |
Yeah... I'm answering quizes... nothing to do...
But well, I got this surprises:
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/F/FrodoRingbearer/1061062237_es3_quiz_5.jpg" border="0" alt="I'm Level 3 obsessed!"><br>On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being<br>the highest, you are.......Level 3 obsessed! A<br>devoted fan, you'd be all set to move to New<br>Zealand in a heartbeat, and have probaby read<br>books such as The Silmarillion. Go you! You<br>set a great example for up-and-coming Ringers<br> smile <br><br>
The surprise was that Eowyn was in my result. I would have prefered someone else, but hell, at least is not Galadriel.
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/F/FrodoRingbearer/1063736997_agesPotC_W.jpg" border="0" alt="I'm Will Turner!"><br>You're Will Turner! Played by Orlando Bloom,<br>you're a gullible young blacksmith with a<br>fierce hatred of pirates. You like swords<br>(understatement of the year), Elizabeth Swann,<br>and your donkey. Go figure. <br><br>
Will?!?!?!? I'm not like him, I swear. Period.
JLbass · Sun Jun 05, 2005 @ 09:23pm · 1 Comments |
Check out the amazing results!
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/F/FrodoRingbearer/1050175168_azgul_quiz.jpg" border="0" alt="I'm a Nazgul!"><br>You're a Nazgul! You're invisible. You're neither<br>living nor dead. Nice life. You like scaring<br>hobbits. <br><br> Which Villian in Middle-Earth are you?
JLbass · Sun Jun 05, 2005 @ 09:17pm · 0 Comments |
Ugh!?! WTF?!?! I don't want to be Celeborn! |
$%#$&% are simple words to express my disgust... I did the other quiz Kaleinne told me to do and I found out this... I had prefered to be Master Erestor, who works a lot and no play and is a dull boy.(The Shining reference xd )
BUt Celeborn?!?!?!?!
Here are the sad results:
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/F/FrodoRingbearer/1091028105_orn_quiz_6.jpg" border="0" alt="You're most like Celeborn"><br>You're most like Celeborn, King of Lothlorien and<br>Prince of Doriath. Celeborn is wise but quiet,<br>often leading others to believe that he is<br>slow-witted. In truth, he is outshined by his<br>beautiful wife Galadriel, but he has hidden<br>powers that few perceive. He is a strong and<br>just ruler, and is much loved by the Elves of<br>Lothlorien. <br><br>
JLbass · Sun Jun 05, 2005 @ 09:07pm · 1 Comments |
I'm back... and I'm a crow |
It's been a while sinc eI wrote something, but now that I'm free of school I decided to return to Gaialand and I did the quiz my beloved Kaleinne told me to do.
And here are the results:
<img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1110821143crow_in_flight3.jpg'> You scored as <b>Crow</b>. You are the Crow. You are able to discover your own character and help others find themselves as well. You are very creative in the field you are in and tend to be the intelligent one of the bunch. Crow 100% Dog 92% Eagle 83% Dragon 83% Stag 75% Horse 75% Fox 67% Ram 67% Wolf 67% Deer 58% Salmon 58% Bear 50% Bull 42% Snake 17%
Which Animal Totem best suits you?
This proved wrong my theory that snakes liked me because they considered me one of them. They like me because they think I'm food.
JLbass · Sun Jun 05, 2005 @ 09:04pm · 1 Comments |
Read, please...
Rai Kamishiro I am from Kyuushyuu, Nagasaki. Every year on those two days, we know what it is to be helpless. To die while burning from the inside. To be utterly beaten, and have no hope to what tommorrow with it's poisonous, polluted water will bring. We have old men and wemon that will undoubtedly by dead in the next five years tell us how they ran, how they were struck senseless with fear, how they could do nothing but hide, how they saw their older sister rot away in a matter of minutes from fire that came from the sky. Did they deserve this? Because their government had decided to do what everyother country was doing either economicly or millitarily, or religiously? Did they deserve to see their homes turn to ashes, to see their proud landscape ripped apart from some scientist's curiosity? Blood for blood, some say, but when will the scales balance out? Some people have a way of saythings, like, improper conduct in war. As if it is all right to bomb a base with people in it, or to kill thousands of humans on a battle field because it is a dying ground. Countries continuously blame the losers for their pitiful, wandering conduct. In Japan, we are screamed at by China and the world for visiting our poor, dead, misguided ancestors at their lonely grave at the Yasukuni Shrine. In America, where I occassionally live, I am told, "We won the war" "Go back to pokemon-land", and "We'll drop another bomb on Tokyo". Japan is seen as deserving the Atom bombs, but America is in an outcry over 9/11. People regularly tell me that dropping the atom bombs were the right things to do, but I receive death threats and decilinary action if I mention that the treatment of the middle east by America may have caused the attack on New York. Would the reaction that we deserved it be the same if a third world country retaliated unto America? Does the end truely justify the means? Blaming the Japanese people, saying we deserved it, is senseless. Seeing the tauntfull, hating faces at my school, I wonder how many of thow white faced children are hated by the countries America has subjugated? Even if is not in text books, we still remember. My grandmother shakes her head at the stupidity of humans when it is mentioned, and the tears that fall from the corners of her proud eyes is evermore a lesson to me than the dehumanizing words upon a textbook could ever be.
JLbass · Fri Apr 29, 2005 @ 05:40pm · 0 Comments |
Toda's Brand New Hero of the Day!!!! |
Our beloved Deoridhe, meets an old folk, Kaeta_Guardian, in a shocking encounter we see God's most beloved viking answering in a terrific way to kaeta's argument... Kaeta's argument was that people should stop bashing religions, I'm fine with that, but he started to say that the other religions had no right to bash HIs religon(which according to he, was like "teh best" wink ...
Nevertheless, here we present, Miss Deoridhe, Today's Brand New Hero of the Day!!!!
Deoridhe Kaeta_Guardian What I would appreciate is OPEN MINDED individuals from all sides of this argument. No slander please. Kaeta_Guardian wiccans (dont even get me started on the birth of that religion) Mmmm, hypocrisy. It's what's for breakfast. xd Kaeta_Guardian And this is not necessarily so much a discussion about the religions in general, but about the intolerance that people associate with them. Again? Bloody ********. And by someone who implied negative things about Wicca due to it's roots; I can see the playing ground is very level. Kaeta_Guardian Now it has been made apparant to me that there is a large problem of religious intolerance among teens and young adults, specifically regarding non-christians and their avid hate (usually in ignorance) of all christians, and christians and their disgusting tendancy to debase non christians, even to the extent of informing these individuals that they are destined for the fires of hell unless they "reform" or "convert." Not seen that problem around here, actually. In fact, usually the Buddhists, pagans, and atheists go into the Christian-hate threads and rip the people insulting Christianity apart, and so on. There will always be ignorants who mistake religions for practicioners, but this forum is really above that nonsense. Kaeta_Guardian First of all, it is in fact a sin to judge non christians. Yup. Knew that. I'ms urprised you couldn't manage the scripture ot bakc it up, though; it's not like bible search engines are rare. Kaeta_Guardian In fact, the only thing we do have a right to judge is other religions, and that if for ourselves and not to be discussed with the members, as that too is immoral, and other christians, on the premise that it can be used as constructive criticism. COnstructive criticism? Example, please. Kaeta_Guardian As christians, we have a charge to lead by example, not by command and accusation. *gives you a cookie* Kaeta_Guardian Now, for you neo-pagans, wiccans (dont even get me started on the birth of that religion), agnostics, deists, gnostics, athiests, and anyone else who ignorantly blames the christian religion itself for the worlds troubles, I charge you this. For someone whose saying one should blame the religion and not the practicioners, you're using an awfully wide brush. Kaeta_Guardian Please, before you condemn one's religion, know it in and out. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Before you condem my religion, I would suggest you do the same. Kaeta_Guardian I have encountered so many belittling individuals who do nothing but slander the religion and its members, often times on grounds that all christians do is slander others (*cough* hypocrasy *cough*). Actually, no. See, as you showed above, Christians are commended by their god to not slander or judge other people. Other religions are NOT. Holding you lot to your own standards is hardly hypocrisy. Kaeta_Guardian If you look to the new testament, which you can akkin to a "patch" that upgraded the OT (old testament) to the NT (should be obvious), The proper structure, by the way, is Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT) for the first mention, then use of the acronym beyond that. Kaeta_Guardian Rather, I see the common mistake of non christians using OT examples and OT laws to condemn our religion, and although it is important to know the OT as well as the NT because it is the basis for the NT, the NT was the "completion" or "fulfillment". You see a lot that isn't here. xd Kaeta_Guardian As, I think it was Paul, once said "the new covenant replaces the old you see, and the reason for which (blah blah) has changed is because you were infants before the coming of Christ Jesus, and like infants you needed baby food and not solid food, and JC is solid food (that is in no way verbatum lol). And Colossians 2:14 says the old laws were nailed to the cross. Kaeta_Guardian In any case, I highly recommend my religion. Why? Because, if followed as closely as possible, and by that I mean by action and not by word, it helps one to become an incredibly benevolent person. Revenge, hate, malice, greed, apathy... these are all condemned. You behave as if religion makes the person. I would think that, looking at the history of all religions, you would see this is not true. In any case, disguising an attempt at proselytization in a mass of overly wordy regurgitation of obvious parts of your religion still leaves the proselytization part as being against the rules. Read the stickies. Kaeta_Guardian Christianity isnt a religion as much as it is a way of life, a way which sadly many (including myself) often lose touch of. If you want to learn more, just ask. You dont have to worry about me judging you or something, as Im pretty sure that Ive made it clear that I will not do so. Actually, given all the ever so polite things you said about the religions above, and your assumption that your religion is the only one teaching people to behave well toward their fellow humans, you have made your propensity to judge rather clear - just not in the way you meant. Kaeta_Guardian I would expect (and appreciate) similar, NON CONFRONTATIONAL input from these groups on this matter as well. Non-confrontational? *snickers* In a debate forum? *guffaws* After you attempted (poorly) to proselytize and dismissed Wicca out of hand? *titters* Kaeta_Guardian Please feel free to voice your oppinion Just don't be confrontaitonal! Confrontational is BAD unless Kaeta-sama is doing it! lol
*Everybody claps in joy!*
JLbass · Fri Apr 29, 2005 @ 03:44pm · 0 Comments |
an interesting view on Yaoi |
First I'll show you SunflowerGoddess's post and then I'll give my comments.... enjoy
SunflowerGoddess Think "well, duh!"? Well, you'd be suprised. I hear people ask why the majority of us are supportive of non-heterosexuality around here, and a common response I hear is "well, there are a lot of people here, and a great deal of them like yaoi, and-". Stop there. What does liking yaoi have to do with tolerance? I am quite frankly afraid of the number of people who claim that yaoi is "realistic" or is the same as "real life homosexuality". It isn't. In fact, the majority of yaoi is full of stereotypes. A large number of gay men in Japan hate it. Stereotypes? Well, let's start with the entire "seme/uke" concept. For the most part, it's pure bullshit, and is seems like an invention of heterosexual women who subconciously feel every relationship needs a man ("seme" wink and a woman ("uke" wink . It assigns men the gender role of being the strong, dominant one (often an a*****e who rarely expresses emotion), and the woman being the weak one who depends on him. Even worse? The "height rule". It dictates that, in every gay relationship, the guy who's taller is the one "topping" the other. So, in other words, if you're short, you need a big, strong man to take care of you; and if you're tall, you're the boss. Then, the fact that many fangirls seem to assume that a**l sex is 100% necessary for gay men to be doing, while statistics show that gay men are far likelier to be performing oral sex. They seem to think that all gay ever do is blow each other up the butt and that only gay men ever do it. Um... wrong? Both heterosexuals and gay men have a**l sex. Even lesbians, with the presence of toys, can do it. Another thing which makes me sick are all the "Love Is Love" banners. The concept in itself isn't bad. Some of the couples in them and series in them are. Gravitation, anyone? The anime obviously promotes abusive relationships, although the manga isn't nearly as bad. I am not really talking about the manga, though, because most of these banners are pictures from the anime. Abusive relationships... I'm sure that is really going to encourage people to support gay rights and gay marriage. It's really going to give people a good impression of us. One decent rebuttal I received once is that there is a whole genre of boys' love manga in Japan based off the idea that abuse makes two people "grow". Now, I don't know about you, but if my boyfriend beat me up, or if I was raped, I certainly wouldn't hug him and love him forever for helping me grow. Abuse, under any circumstances, is still abuse. No one deserves it, and no one has the right to abuse. Maybe his abusing me taught me a few things about the world, but would he be able to get off easy in court by saying that he was beating me up in order to help me grow? I don't think so. ------ <b>Edit:</b> Related to this is the portrayal of rape in a large number of yaoi fanfiction. Big, bad seme rapes little, weak, uke. Little, weak uke falls in love with his rapist. He confesses his feelings to big, bad seme. Cue a "OMG twwu luuuuv!" relationship. This is offensive to just about anyone who actually has been raped. ------ There are examples of healthy gay male anime/manga pairings which could be used in these banners instead, if you really feel it's necessary to include yaoi/boys' love couples in your images. There is nothing wrong with the relationship between Touya and Yukito in Cardcaptor Sakura. There is nothing wrong with Kunzite and Zoicite in Sailormoon. Those are just two examples. Then... we have some of my favorite people. Fangirls. I don't hate all fangirls. However, there are quite a few which piss me off to the highest degree. They preach about being tolerant, yet many of them say "ewwww... heterosexual relationships are icky, icky, icky!", or they hate almost every female character there is for being "annoying", "whiney", or "dependant" (and are fast to bounce around and yell "kawaiiii!!!!" when a male acts the same way). Heterophobia and misogyny. Great job, girls. Great job. Do I have a problem with yaoi? No. Am I some gay-basher out to call all of you idiots? No because I am not exactly heterosexual myself, and I am trying to give you some food for thought. What I have a problem with is the people who say "OMG i liks yaoi luv is luv support gay marriage!!!!!1111!". Saying yaoi shows your support for gay rights is like saying a man masturbating to lesbian porn is showing his support for gay rights. I've never seen a man claim he was supportive of gay rights because he likes lesbian porn, yet people claiming they support gay rights because they like yaoi or boys' love exist in the thousands.
First, I like Yaoi, I like Yuri.... but I have to agree with sunflowerGoddess, some fangirls, the ones who reach the extreme of heterophobia... show a complete imaturity and ignorance of the subject... they do not understand that the point of Yaoi are complex relationships and a hard life, not happy Gay pairings...
There is a difference....
JLbass · Fri Apr 29, 2005 @ 03:27pm · 0 Comments |