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View User's Journal

random things, music, art,writings ,whatever
THE FOLLOWing is NOT MAKIN FUN OF TRAGEDIES FROM 3 OR TEN YEARS AGO!!! ITz just random things that came to mind so dont "go school" on me and start pissin your pants, plus the ppl at my school ruin my day with the rude s**t they say anyway. so here i go:

pokemon trainer ash was wondering around until
oh! whats this? the egg is hatching!!!
congratulations! a Charles Manson hatched from the egg!!!*bebede bop scitty deoh*
*ash checks poke'mon:
Brianna lvl.31
Eric Harris lvl.55
Ayana lvl.45
Marvin lvl.50
Joe lvl.33
Charles Manson lvl.5

*ash closes pokemon box
ash walks in the grass until
a trainer spots him!!!
cindy and david send out Dylan Klebold lvl.45 and CHO SEUNG HUI! lvl.20

ash sends out brianna and Eric harris!!!
brianna:*what you say cory"
eric harris:*know WHAT I HATE!?"

what move will brianna use?:

damon is a freak pp5/5
shake a** pp10/10
text message pp15/15
stare at with cold eyes pp20/20

brianna uses damon is a freak! *brianna sends out damon! damon is confused. brianna talks about damons face and the flaws with it. and says damon disgusts her when damon didnt do s**t but just walk her way!!!!"

cho seung hui is caught in the crossfire! cho seung hui faints! *"do u know what it feells like to have balls down your throat?!"*

what move will eric harris use?:

Mega Propane bomb pp5/5
12 calibre shot: 20/20
rant on society pp30/30
seek out those who are mean pp10/10

eric harris uses seek out those who are mean!!! he checked the other pokemon's feelings toward Damon! *ayana says damon looks old and ignores him
*Joe smiles and makes a gay expression while saying damon looks old too
*Marvin looks down reads manga and says what girl will like damon
*charles manson is singing, acting crazy and staying in jail for like 60 YEARS!!!

there feelings lashed out towards dylan klebold! dylan is hit by their animosity!!!
dylan klebold faints!!! "dont you ever pick on him again"

trainer ash won!
SCHOOL SHOOTERs CINDY AND DAVID: damn it! we would of gotten away with it too if it werent for you evil rude a** kids!!
Brianna gained experience Brianna reached lvl.32! brianna wants to learn look at damon wierd but already knows four moves, delete one to make room?

which move should be forgotton?
*shake a**
1...2...and poof brianna forgot shake a** and learned look at damon wierd!