A lone ranger
Lost in Time
Sits under an ancient Oak,
Looking at the bright, white light
Bounce off of white, pure
Cotton ball clouds.
She observes the beautiful
Lush grass that cushions her seat.
She bids the cool shade
To envelope and devour her,
Protectively guarding her
From the large crowds of
Teeny Bopper, Million-Dollar-Hair-Cut girls
And Punked Out, Surf Dude guys
Continuously yapping away,
Like puppies wanting attention,
On a seemingly endless supply of cell phones.
The lone ranger looks up,
Away from the concrete and asphalt,
Into the emerald leaves,
And watches the white cloud puffs
Drift away from the campus,
Disappointed that only an 18 year old girl
Admires their beauty.
This is Cloudy Campus,
But only one person realizes the clouds.
Hekate Moon Community Member |