So today was umm....Interesting. I was in the King area, with Ethan. Doing some just shopping and being “out”, I guess you could call it. And it was SO cute, cuz he ran around to the other side of my car, nearly RIPPED the door open when we got home, made me get out then he threw his arms around me and kissed me really gently. It was SO cute XD!!!!
Anyways, I got in a weird conversation with myself on how much my eyebrows ******** weird, man. People with their pretty ******** eyebrows..
I’ve been craving a deep, long, hardcore conversation with someone forever. I love those talks that just get you entranced with the person and you just want to talk about EVERYTHING there is that's in your mind but you can't possibly release everything because the possibilities are endless. It’s fascinating.
So, even though I had an AMAZING day, it still made me think way too ******** much...That's the last thing I need right now. My father’s been really on my mind, but, I don’t know really who to talk to about him. A lot of times people just get mad when I talk about him, because I shouldn’t be since he’s an a**. But, I can’t ******** help it.
I need a vacation from myself lol.
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