Havn't said anything for a while now hmm well I've done homework lol want to read it it's pretty boring.. lol here it is
In the month of January King Charles I was executed for treason and making war on his own people. The charge of treason however is an act to throw out the king. Charles was aware of this charge and disagreed with it and argued with the court.
During the trial Charles rapped his staff on the floor and the golden head fell off. People in the court room took this as a bad omen as well as Charles himself. After a long trial the king was found guilty
And sentenced to death b beheading. People guess that the omen during the trial was true.
Early in the morning before the execution Charles called for his best clothes and the best food for the morning meal. He wanted to dies with dignity. Or so he was determined to. He didn’t want to make his enemies think he was afraid before he died. At one o’clock he was led onto the scaffold and a short speech was read before they killed him.
After the execution of the king, the country without a monarchy would have been a Republic. But Charles had a son so that would automatically make him king. However there is the Rump Parliament. They voted for there to be no more monarchy or a house of lords. But the Rump Parliament only has a few members and cannot speak for the people of England. The Roundhead Army however has gone in and killed anyone who disagrees with the parliament or refuses to support the Common Wealth. Ireland and Scotland are
Making problems with this new statement they are strong supporters of Charles II; but under Oliver Cromwell’s order an army has gone in a put an end to the countries royalists’ threat. Cromwell is a ruthless solider. He has little mercy for the Presbyterians and the Catholics he conquers. He has defeated Scotland and Ireland’s rebellion. Scotland in two major battles, in Ireland he has gone into the town of Drogheda and killed all who resisted him. After the battles were over all the Northern Irish were moved South-West leaving the North for English and Scottish Protestant peasants.
The “Dark Ages” took place in Europe around the approximant time of 476-1000. During the Dark Ages it was very uncivilized and dirty. It began after the fall of Rome and all knowledge of the Romans was lost. People in the Dark Ages had to start over and create new knowledge that was lost during the fall of Rome. Most people spoke Latin and followed the Catholic beliefs.
The “Reformation” happened during the 16th century. It was a movement of the Catholic religion after Martian Luther posted his complaints about the church and its leaders. People formed a new church system and followers known as the Protestants believed that churches should be kept plain and simple and like the poverty of Christ and his disciples. Also, it was the beginning of industries and towns growing massively. People weren’t as hungry with fewer farmers growing more food. This meant that the people were no longer serfs and lords and a middle class formed. Making were there more jobs, and an education system and libraries with the printing press invented they could spread ideas to many other people. Also with the exploration overseas, trading were larger, creating bigger markets, job opportunities and a larger spread of knowledge and culture.
The “Renaissance” took place during the 14th-15th century in Europe. The Renaissance, meaning rebirth, was a good name because it was the beginning of a new age and a new way of life. People were coming out of the darker ages and things in life were beginning to become easier. A new style of art was formed. art was become more realistic and colourful. The world of industries was growing as well. The population and people were becoming cleaner after the “Black Plague.” Also it was the start of over seas exploration and they discovered that the world was round and not flat.
The “Middle Ages” lasted from 5th century to the 8th century. Their history takes place in Europe as well. During this time new political and social ideas were made. Feudalism was also in effect during the Middle Ages which meant that there were only the superiors and the slaves or poorer class. Also the “Black Plague” took place during this time as well.
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